


  新建数据库sc,再使用Navicat导入sc.sql文件。通过快捷键Ctrl + Q在Navicat调出查询部分,开始查询语句实验。



  1. 查询C4号课程没有考试成绩的学生号。

SELECT sno from sc where (cno='c4' and grade='')


SELECT sno from sc where (cno='c4' and (grade>90 or grade<60))


SELECT cno,cname from c where cname like 'C%'


  值得注意的是,这里需要使用 SQL通配符 替代一个或多个字符。SQL通配符必须与Like运算符一起使用。

通配符 描述
% 替代一个或多个字符
下划线_ 仅替代一个字符
[charlist] 字符清单中的任何单一字符
[^charlist]或[!charlist] 不在字符清单中的任何单一字符


  查询学号和各科成绩:select sno,grade from sc
  查询平均成绩:SELECT sno,AVG(grade) from sc GROUP BY sno
  无group by则报错的语句:

SELECT sno,AVG(grade) from sc
> 1140 - In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'sc.sc.SNO'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
> 时间: 0s


计算学号有多少行/个,即选修人数:SELECT cno,count(sno) from sc GROUP BY cno

查询课程及格的学生的学号:select sno from sc where grade>=60
select DISTINCT sno from sc where sno not in(select sno from sc where grade<60)

大于90分:select sno from sc where grade>90
不及格:select sno from sc where grade<60

select sno from sc where grade>90 and sno in(select sno from sc where grade<60)

查询平均成绩的语句:select sno,AVG(grade) from sc group by sno
增加条件:having AVG(grade)<60
select sno,AVG(grade) from sc group by sno having AVG(grade)<60

查询:select sno from sc
条件:s2学生选修的所有课程select cno from sc where sno='2'

求各门课程的平均分:select cno,AVG(grade) from sc group by cno

select cno,(sum(grade)-max(grade)-min(grade))/(count(grade)-2) from sc group by cno

查询:select cno from sc
课程的选修数量:select count(*) from sc where cno=‘C1’

select DISTINCT sno from sc where sno not in(select sno from sc where grade<60)

查询男生的平均年龄和人数:select avg(sage),count(*) from s where ssex=‘1’
查询各系的人数:select count(*) from s group by sdept
查询各系男生的平均年龄和人数,使用group by进行分类:
select avg(sage),count(*) from s where ssex='1' group by sdept
select sdept,ssex,avg(sage),count(*) from s group by sdept,ssex

查询某课程的及格人数:select count(*) from sc where grade>=60 and cno='C1'
查询所有课程的及格人数:select count(*) from sc where grade>=60
查询各课程的及格人数:select count(*) from sc where grade>=60 group by cno


SELECT DISTINCT s.sno,s.sname,s.ssex from s,sc where sc.cno='C4'
  内连接inner join:
SELECT DISTINCT s.sno,s.sname,s.ssex from s inner join sc where sc.cno='C4'

  上面的两个多表查询,会出现20*20条数据,重复数据19*20条。在进行多表查询时,可以使用distinct关键字对重复数据进行去重:select distinct

SELECT DISTINCT s.sno,s.sname,s.ssex from s,sc where sc.cno='C4'

  查询:select c.cno,c.cname。条件:avg(grade)>70,和avg捆绑使用的group by。
使用自连接查询,where x in()。
select c.cno,c.cname from c where c.cno in(select cno from sc group by sc.cno having avg(sc.grade)>70)

两张表合并:select * from s,sc
无论是使用逗号,还是inner join,都是两张表的笛卡尔积。所以考虑使用where xx in。
select avg(s.sage) from s where sno in(select sno from sc where sc.cno='C5')

平均分:select avg(grade) from sc where cno=‘C1’
查询不低于平均分的学生学号:select sno from sc where cno='C1' and grade>(select avg(grade) from sc where cno='C1')
  使用select sname from s where sno in()进行嵌套:
select sname from s where sno in(select sno from sc where cno='C1' and grade>(select avg(grade) from sc where cno='C1'))

  18.找出“dept1”平均分最高的学生的学号和姓名。group by是分组,order by是排序。
查询:select sno,sname from s
查询各个学生的平均分:select avg(grade),count(*) from sc group by sno
select sno,avg(grade) from sc group by sno order by avg(grade) desc limit 1
  使用select sno,sname from s where sno=()嵌套:
select sno,sname from s where sno=(select sno from sc group by sno order by avg(grade) desc limit 1)

select sno,avg(grade) from sc group by sno HAVING avg(grade)<60





  《SQL 通配符》

  《SQL join 用于根据两个或多个表中的列之间的关系,从这些表中查询数据》


  《SQL having语句》







下一篇:SQL server 嵌套查询