[论文阅读 2019 CVPR 目标跟踪]Target-Aware Deep Tracking


paper:Target-Aware Deep Tracking



  1. 首先,预训练的CNN特征与目标并不相关,后者很可能不会出现在正式的训练数据中;
  2. 其次,预训练的CNN专注于增加类间差异,而对类内差异不敏感(如下图所示);
  3. 在实际跟踪一个具体目标时,只有很少的filter处于活动状态;

[论文阅读 2019 CVPR 目标跟踪]Target-Aware Deep Tracking



[论文阅读 2019 CVPR 目标跟踪]Target-Aware Deep Tracking

如上图所示是这篇论文中TADT跟踪器的主要框架,TADT主要是对特征提取网络输出的深度特征进行了两方面的处理:一是找到对当前目标感兴趣的filters,二是对当前目标大小变化敏感的filters.其中第一个通过Ridge loss得到,而第二个通过Rank loss得到。

Features of pre-trained CNNs

如果将预训练好的CNN特征提取器输出的特征空间定义为 χ \chi χ,那么TADT就是要对该特征空间进行“过滤”得到 χ ′ \chi^{'} χ′,用公式描述如下:

χ ′ = φ ( χ ; Δ ) \chi^{\prime}=\varphi(\chi ; \Delta) χ′=φ(χ;Δ)

上式中 Δ \Delta Δ代表通道重要性(channel importance).且通过下面式子计算channel importance:

Δ i = G A P ( ∂ L ∂ z i ) \Delta_{i}=G_{A P}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial z_{i}}\right) Δi​=GAP​(∂zi​∂L​)

where G A P ( ⋅ ) GAP(·) GAP(⋅) denotes the global average pooling function, L L L is the designed loss, and z i z_i zi​ indicates the output feature of the i i i-th filter.


Target-Active Features via Regression


A trained network recognizes a specific object category mainly based on a subset of these filters. For the visual tracking task, we can obtain the filters with objectness information pertaining to the target by identifying those active to the target area while inactive to the backgrounds.

因此,作者提出下面的ridge regression loss:

L r e g = ∥ Y ( i , j ) − W ∗ X i , j ∥ 2 + λ ∥ W ∥ 2 L_{r e g}=\left\|Y(i, j)-W * X_{i, j}\right\|^{2}+\lambda\|W\|^{2} Lreg​=∥Y(i,j)−W∗Xi,j​∥2+λ∥W∥2

where ∗ ∗ ∗ denotes the convolution operation and W W W is the regressor weight,and X i , j X_{i,j} Xi,j​ is the samples in an image patch , Y ( i , j ) Y(i,j) Y(i,j) is a Gaussian label map.

对上式求 X i n X_{in} Xin​的偏导(对该偏导的结果经过global average pooling function的处理后就可以表示filter对当前目标的敏感程度)可得:

∂ L r e g ∂ X i n = ∑ i , j ∂ L r e g ∂ X o ( i , j ) × ∂ X o ( i , j ) ∂ X i n ( i , j ) = ∑ i , j 2 ( Y ( i , j ) − X o ( i , j ) ) × W \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L_{r e g}}{\partial X_{i n}} &=\sum_{i, j} \frac{\partial L_{r e g}}{\partial X_{o}(i, j)} \times \frac{\partial X_{o}(i, j)}{\partial X_{i n}(i, j)} \\ &=\sum_{i, j} 2\left(Y(i, j)-X_{o}(i, j)\right) \times W \end{aligned} ∂Xin​∂Lreg​​​=i,j∑​∂Xo​(i,j)∂Lreg​​×∂Xin​(i,j)∂Xo​(i,j)​=i,j∑​2(Y(i,j)−Xo​(i,j))×W​

where X o X_o Xo​ is the output prediction

Scale-Sensitive Features via Ranking(这部分不太明白)

为了衡量filter对当前目标的敏感程度,作者使用ranking loss:

L rank  = log ⁡ ( 1 + ∑ ( x i , x j ) ∈ Ω exp ⁡ ( f ( x i ) − f ( x j ) ) ) L_{\text {rank }}=\log \left(1+\sum_{\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right) \in \Omega} \exp \left(f\left(x_{i}\right)-f\left(x_{j}\right)\right)\right) Lrank ​=log⎝⎛​1+(xi​,xj​)∈Ω∑​exp(f(xi​)−f(xj​))⎠⎞​

where ( x i , x j ) (x_i, x_j) (xi​,xj​) is a pair-wise training sample and the size of x j x_j xj​ is closer to the target size comparing with x i x_i xi​, and f ( x ; w ) f(x;w) f(x;w) is the prediction mode.

对上式求偏导(对该偏导的结果经过global average pooling function的处理后就可以表示filter对当前目标大小变化的敏感程度)

∂ L r a n k ∂ x i n = ∂ L r a n k ∂ x o × ∂ x o ∂ x i n = ∂ L r a n k ∂ f ( x i n ) × W \frac{\partial L_{r a n k}}{\partial x_{i n}}=\frac{\partial L_{r a n k}}{\partial x_{o}} \times \frac{\partial x_{o}}{\partial x_{i n}}=\frac{\partial L_{r a n k}}{\partial f\left(x_{i n}\right)} \times W ∂xin​∂Lrank​​=∂xo​∂Lrank​​×∂xin​∂xo​​=∂f(xin​)∂Lrank​​×W

where W is the filter weights of the convolutional layer.

[论文阅读 2019 CVPR 目标跟踪]Target-Aware Deep Tracking


Tracking Process


In initial training, the regression loss and the ranking loss parts are trained separately and we compute the gradients from each loss once the networks are converged. With the gradients, the feature generation model selects a
fixed number of the filters with the highest importance scores from the pre-trained CNN.

跟踪:在跟踪时,给定初始目标 x 1 x_1 x1​和当前帧的搜索区域 z t z_t zt​,预测的目标位置通过下面式子计算得到:

p ^ = arg ⁡ max ⁡ p χ ′ ( x 1 ) ∗ χ ′ ( z t ) \hat{p}=\arg \max _{p} \chi^{\prime}\left(x_{1}\right) * \chi^{\prime}\left(z_{t}\right) p^​=argpmax​χ′(x1​)∗χ′(zt​)

where ∗ * ∗ denotes the convolution operation



[论文阅读 2019 CVPR 目标跟踪]Target-Aware Deep Tracking

[论文阅读 2019 CVPR 目标跟踪]Target-Aware Deep Tracking



上一篇:Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking ---cvpr2021-sot

下一篇:CorrTracker:Multiple Object Tracking with Correlation Learning