[Erlang 0127] Term sharing in Erlang/OTP 上篇

之前,在 [Erlang 0126] 我们读过的Erlang论文 提到过下面这篇论文:

On Preserving Term Sharing in the Erlang Virtual Machine
地址: http://user.it.uu.se/~kostis/Papers/erlang12_sharing.pdf 
摘要:In this paper we describe our experiences and argue through examples why flattening terms during copying is not a good idea for
a language like Erlang. More importantly, we propose a sharing preserving copying mechanism for Erlang/OTP and describe a pub-
licly available complete implementation of this mechanism.

Term Sharing  数据项共享这个东西不新鲜,"Efficiency Guide User's Guide"的4.2章节"Constructing binaries"[ 链接 ] 和 8.2 章节的"Loss of sharing" [链接]就提到过(再次吐槽一下Erlang文档组织,一个主题往往分散在多个文档里面,需要耐心).不仅仅是Binary数据类型,Term Sharing 是一个通用的问题.在Guide中提到了强制拷贝的场景:发送到别的进程或者插入到ETS. 下面是文档摘抄的:

Loss of sharing
  Shared sub-terms are not preserved when a term is sent to another process, passed as the initial process arguments in the spawn call, or stored in an ETS table. That is an optimization. Most applications do not send messages with shared sub-terms.

数据拷贝过程,Erlang会进行两次遍历.第一次遍历,会计算flat size(erts/emulator/beam/copy.c中的size_object 方法)然后为此分配对应的内存,第二次遍历完成实际的拷贝 (function copy_structin erts/emulator/beam/copy.c).


. 9> d:s3([1,2,3,4,5,6]).


Eshell V6.0  (abort with ^G)
1> L=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
2> L2=[L,L,L,L,L,L].
3> erts_debug:size(L2).
4> erts_debug:flat_size(L2).
5> spawn(fun () ->receive Data -> io:format("~p",[erts_debug:size(Data)]) end end).
6> v(5) ! L2.
7> erts_debug:size(L2).
8> ets:new(test,[named_table]).
9> ets:insert(test,{1,L2}).
10> ets:lookup(test ,1).
11> [{1,Data}]=v(10).
12> Data.
13> erts_debug:size(Data).
14> spawn(d,test,[L2]).
132<0.54.0> test(Data)->


show_printing_may_be_bad() ->
F = fun (N) ->
T = now(),
L = mklist(N),
S = erts_debug:size(L),
io:format("mklist(~w), size ~w, ", [N, S]),
io:format("is ~P, ", [L, 2]), %%% BAD !!!
D = timer:now_diff(now(), T),
io:format("in ~.3f sec.~n", [D/1000000])
lists:foreach(F, [10, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30]). mklist(0) -> 0;
mklist(M) -> X = mklist(M-1), [X, X].

  io:format("is ~P, ", [L, 2]), %%% BAD !!!这行代码删掉前后分别执行代码,在过机器上得到的结果如下:

Eshell V6.0  (abort with ^G)
1> d:show_printing_may_be_bad().
mklist(10), size 40, in 0.001 sec.
mklist(20), size 80, in 0.000 sec.
mklist(22), size 88, in 0.000 sec.
mklist(24), size 96, in 0.000 sec.
mklist(26), size 104, in 0.000 sec.
mklist(28), size 112, in 0.000 sec.
mklist(30), size 120, in 0.000 sec.
ok Eshell V6.0 (abort with ^G)
1> d:show_printing_may_be_bad().
mklist(10), size 40, is [[...]|...], in 0.001 sec.
mklist(20), size 80, is [[...]|...], in 0.110 sec.
mklist(22), size 88, is [[...]|...], in 0.421 sec.
mklist(24), size 96, is [[...]|...], in 43.105 sec.
mklist(26), size 104,
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 3280272216 bytes of memory (of type "heap").
rlwrap: warning: erl killed by SIGABRT.
rlwrap has not crashed, but for transparency,
it will now kill itself (without dumping core)with the same signal


为什么会出现这种情况呢?就是上面提到的"Loss of sharing",为什么会触发数据展开(或者说数据平铺化)呢?之前我们曾经聊过关于io:format的事情( [Erlang 0041] 详解io:format [链接]),在Erlang/OTP中I/O是通过向I/O Server发起I/O请求实现的.io:format调用实际上是向I/O 发送了一个io request消息,剩下的就由IO Server处理了.虽然上面的L被简略的输出为" [[...]|...]"但是在消息的传递过程中已经触发了数据平铺然后拷贝;


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