SSH Remote Forward


man ssh_config:

SSH Remote Forward



Three Test Host: ram5 ram6 ram7 



GatewayPorts yes | no

this will dertermin SSHD listen address


Command Line:

ssh -fgNR *:555:ram7:80 ram5

ram5 is the SSHD Server (SSHD will listen on 555), ram7:80 is the target

SSH Remote Forward



Configuration File for ssh:


As Remote Forward:

host ram5
    RemoteForward *:5555 ram7:80

this will have the same effect as the above command line.


As Dynamic Proxy:

Host ram6
    HashKnownHosts no
    RemoteForward *:555

This will open a socks proxy port on ram6 ( SSHD listen)

SSH Remote Forward



From Windows ssh client(Xshell):

SSH Remote Forward


SSH Remote Forward


 SSH Remote Forward


 I install nginx on my windows host.


Let's try something really cool:

SSH Remote Forward is a virtual host on my windows, where xshell connect to my host on tencent, using Remote Forward, I open a port on the host on tencent cloud, All the hosts on the tencent cloud can connect to my virtual machine on my local windows.

SSH Remote Forward





