第一册:lesson eighty nine.

原文: For sale。

A:Good afternoon. I believe that the house is for sale.

B:That's right.

A:May I have a look at it ,please?

B:Yes,of course. Come in.

A:How long have you lived here?

B:I have lived here for twenty years.

A:Twenty years! That's a long time.

B:Yes, I have been here since 1976.

A:Then, why do you want to sale it?

B:Because I have just retired.I want to buy a small house in the country.

A:How much does this house cost?


A:That's a lot of money.

B:It's worth every penny of it.

A:Well, I like the house,but I can't decide yet.My wife must see it first.

B:Women always have the last word.






for sale:代售。  on sale:正在销售,促销,大减价的意思。

It's worth every penny of it.  它确实值这么多钱。

have the last word: 最后拍板,最终决定。

have a look at : 看一看。

sell: v.卖。   sale:  n ,拍卖,卖。



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