tx-rs - 一个提供 wrtie ahead 的原子交易库
刚出来,仅供了解,这里的“交易”是指业务的原子性,常见于数据库中。与区块链或密码学中的交易,是不同的概念。类似于 STM。
duang - 使用宏来提供默认参数和命名参数
use duang::duang;
pub fn foo<T>(a: T, b: f64 = 13.0, c: T = a * a) -> (T, f64, T)
T: std::ops::Mul<T, Output = T>,
T: std::fmt::Display,
T: Copy,
(a, b, c)
// ----
use demo_duang::foo;
// pass
assert_eq!(foo!(1, c = 30, b = -2.0), (1, -2.0, 30));
// pass
assert_eq!(foo!(a = 10), (10, 13.0, 100));
// fail
// foo!(1,c=30,c=2);
dua-cli - 用于查看当前目录下的磁盘容量使用情况
这个工具发布 v2.0 了。就是 du 的升级版。先看下效果图。
coffee 2D游戏引擎推出了响应式UI
stale-rs - 用于找出项目工程中,没有被链接的rs文件
Compile times for large projects
Crate ecosystem is still very young, volatile and sparse
Because the community is young and still largely curiosity-driven, some essential crates have inconsistent maintenance since there aren't many maintainer organizations yet
Orphan rules make the glue-package approach (like Java uses) intractable and thus it's difficult to combine different parts of the ecosystem or factor libraries as much as one would like
Related to the above, we're probably still several years or editions away from a good dynamic linking/plugin story (but for good reason, related to the below)
The language's real potential still always seems one unimplemented RFC away (e.g., async, const generics, GATs, unsized rvalues, etc.)
A lot of the features really essential to write libraries of the quality one would like are still unstable (e.g., specialization)
Many crates have not yet reached version 1.0. This can make them more "scary" to use, as the API could change at any point.
std::net is quite lacking. For example, you can't perform a non-blocking connect. There is net2, but it has its own set of issues. Then there's socket2 to address net2's issues, but its API is a bit clunky. It's also not very popular, so it remains to be seen for how long it will stick around.
I think only recently was mirroring of crates.io introduced in a more sane way, though I don't remember exactly in what state.
Async IO is still clunky. MIO seeks to provide a nice API, but it's not zero-cost by any means. It also has some issues with Windows. I ended up having to use my own wrappers for epoll and kqueue, and used wepoll for Windows.
No crate namespacing, so you end up with crates like "yorickpeterse-socket2", "billy-bob-socket2", etc. This also means name squatting is more annoying.
This is not an issue with Rust itself, but is worth mentioning: I really can't stand Clippy. More often than not I upgrade it, and it introduces really annoying lints. For example, if you define len it will complain if you don't also define is_empty. This makes sense for a library, but when writing a self-contained application where you'd never use this it's annoying. Of course you can disable it, but I don't want to sprinkle Clippy directives all over the place.
No (computed) goto, or something that is guaranteed to compile down to it. This means interpreters won't be able to make use of them, slowing them down a bit (depending on the hardware)
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用 Rust, Haskell, C++, Python, Scala 和 OCaml 实现同一个工程的比较