前段时间看到MACLEAN LIU分享了一篇不错的关于Exadata I/O性能校准的文章:Calibrate测试Exadata IO,这篇文章基本涵盖到Exadata I/O性能校准的方法。刚好最近又有人问我这方面的问题,所以在这里再班门弄斧做一些补充,存在重复的地方请无视之。
1. Oracle的I/O性能校准工具orion;
3. EXADATA Cell端cellsrv中的calibrate命令;
当然有人说通过dd进行测试也可以得到磁盘的IOPS和MBPS。 在没有任何工具的前提下,当然dd也可以用来进行大致的估算,但是其结果通常是不可靠的,所以这里就不把dd例如这个范畴。以下分别对这几种方式做一些简单的介绍和对比。
- orion
./orion_x86_64�0�2�0�2–run <workload_mode>
其中workload mode(负载模式)一共包括5种,对于数据库而言,常用的为dss模式和oltp模式,对于更复杂的需求可以使用advanced模式。
simple - tests random 8K small IOs at various loads, then random 1M large IOs at various loads. normal - tests combinations of random 8K small IOs and random 1M large IOs advanced - run the workload specified by the user using optional parameters dss - run with random 1M large IOs at increasing loads to determine the maximum throughput oltp - run with random 8K small IOs at increasing loads to determine the maximum IOPS
- 不依赖于操作系统和数据库版本;
- 进行I/O校准之前不需要安装数据库;
- 简单,免费;
- 默认提供多种校准模式可供选择;
- 工具过于简单,与专业的性能测试软件例如loadrunner相比存在一些不足;
- 无法自动感知Oracle RAC架构,得到的校准数据只是从某台特定的主机得到的结果;
- 此工具不能用来测试NAS存储设备。
- calibrate_io
- 异步I/O已经启用;
通过以下命令来查询数据文件的异步I/O是否已经启用: -
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE lat INTEGER; iops INTEGER; mbps INTEGER; BEGIN DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO (1, 10, iops, mbps, lat); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('max_iops = ' || iops); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('latency = ' || lat); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('max_mbps = ' || mbps); END; /
select * from gv$io_calibration_status; select * from DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE;
- 能自动感知RAC架构,并非是从单个节点测试得到的结果;
- 测试以数据库的数据文件为基准,是与数据库贴合最紧密的一种测试方式;
- 在做Exadata的POC的时候,可以使用它对I/O进行对比测试,对比迁移到Exadata后能得到多少I/O性能的提升。
- 需要数据库的版本在11g以上;
- 测试需要安装数据库;
- 测试的结果只有整体的性能数据,看不到单个物理磁盘的信息。
- cellcli calibrate
在停止cellsrv的服务的情况下,使用root用户在cellcli中运行calibrate。如果需要使用在线模式,则必须在后面加上force参数。以下引用的数据来在自MACLEAN LIU的blog:
CellCLI> calibrate force; Calibration will take a few minutes… Aggregate random read throughput across all hard disk LUNs: 1921 MBPS Aggregate random read throughput across all flash disk LUNs: 4164.33 MBPS Aggregate random read IOs per second (IOPS) across all hard disk LUNs: 4971 Aggregate random read IOs per second (IOPS) across all flash disk LUNs: 145195 Controller read throughput: 1919.64 MBPS Calibrating hard disks (read only) … LUN 0_0 on drive [28:0 ] random read throughput: 168.12 MBPS, and 430 IOPS LUN 0_1 on drive [28:1 ] random read throughput: 164.23 MBPS, and 423 IOPS LUN 0_10 on drive [28:10 ] random read throughput: 170.80 MBPS, and 433 IOPS LUN 0_11 on drive [28:11 ] random read throughput: 168.32 MBPS, and 421 IOPS LUN 0_2 on drive [28:2 ] random read throughput: 170.07 MBPS, and 431 IOPS LUN 0_3 on drive [28:3 ] random read throughput: 169.82 MBPS, and 421 IOPS LUN 0_4 on drive [28:4 ] random read throughput: 165.17 MBPS, and 417 IOPS LUN 0_5 on drive [28:5 ] random read throughput: 166.82 MBPS, and 429 IOPS LUN 0_6 on drive [28:6 ] random read throughput: 170.85 MBPS, and 430 IOPS LUN 0_7 on drive [28:7 ] random read throughput: 168.42 MBPS, and 429 IOPS LUN 0_8 on drive [28:8 ] random read throughput: 169.78 MBPS, and 428 IOPS LUN 0_9 on drive [28:9 ] random read throughput: 168.77 MBPS, and 430 IOPS Calibrating flash disks (read only, note that writes will be significantly slower) … LUN 1_0 on drive [FLASH_1_0] random read throughput: 271.01 MBPS, and 19808 IOPS LUN 1_1 on drive [FLASH_1_1] random read throughput: 270.24 MBPS, and 19821 IOPS LUN 1_2 on drive [FLASH_1_2] random read throughput: 270.41 MBPS, and 19844 IOPS LUN 1_3 on drive [FLASH_1_3] random read throughput: 270.37 MBPS, and 19812 IOPS LUN 2_0 on drive [FLASH_2_0] random read throughput: 272.32 MBPS, and 20634 IOPS LUN 2_1 on drive [FLASH_2_1] random read throughput: 272.12 MBPS, and 20635 IOPS LUN 2_2 on drive [FLASH_2_2] random read throughput: 272.28 MBPS, and 20676 IOPS LUN 2_3 on drive [FLASH_2_3] random read throughput: 272.43 MBPS, and 20669 IOPS LUN 4_0 on drive [FLASH_4_0] random read throughput: 271.13 MBPS, and 19802 IOPS LUN 4_1 on drive [FLASH_4_1] random read throughput: 271.90 MBPS, and 19799 IOPS LUN 4_2 on drive [FLASH_4_2] random read throughput: 271.42 MBPS, and 19798 IOPS LUN 4_3 on drive [FLASH_4_3] random read throughput: 272.25 MBPS, and 19808 IOPS LUN 5_0 on drive [FLASH_5_0] random read throughput: 272.22 MBPS, and 19824 IOPS LUN 5_1 on drive [FLASH_5_1] random read throughput: 272.44 MBPS, and 19823 IOPS LUN 5_2 on drive [FLASH_5_2] random read throughput: 271.83 MBPS, and 19808 IOPS LUN 5_3 on drive [FLASH_5_3] random read throughput: 271.73 MBPS, and 19837 IOPS CALIBRATE results are within an acceptable range. Calibration has finished.
这里的calibrate是针对单个cell节点进行的测试,而Exadata datasheet上给出的IOPS和MBPS的数据都是来自此命令的测试结果。(先测出单个Cell节点的各项指标,然后乘以cell节点数)同时以上在进行测试IOPS的时候,使用的I/O请求是8K大小的随机读;在测试MBPS的时候,则使用的是1M大小的随机读。同时上述测试既给出整个Cell节点总体的IOPS和MBPS,又给出了Cell节点中单个LUN的IOPS和MBPS。那Exadata为什么不对所有的Cell节点一起测试,然后得到一个总的测试结果呢?因为不同的Cell节点之间互相访问需要通过infiniband网络,如果测试同时进行, 则瓶颈可能出在infiniband上,导致测试的结果不准确。
- 既能得到一个Cell节点总体的性能数据,又可以得到单个磁盘或者闪盘的性能数据;
- 安装Exadata时候可�0�2以用来检测磁盘/闪盘的I/O性能,排除掉可能存在缺陷的磁盘/闪盘;
- 在出现I/O性能问题的时候,可以用它来对Cell的I/O进行校准,判断是否属于硬件级别的问题。