import pika
import uuid
# 建立连接
class FibonacciRpcClient(object):
def __init__(self):
# 建立建立连接和通道
self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host="localhost"))
self.channel = self.connection.channel()
# exclusive(专有的): Only allow access by the current connection
result = self.channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True)
# 获取队列名称
self.callback_queue = result.method.queue
# 接收服务端的回应
# param on_response:The function for dispatching messages to user, having the signature:
Start a queue consumer.
This method asks the server to start a "consumer",
which is a transient request for messages from a specific queue.
Consumers last as long as the channel they were declared on, or until the client cancels them.
self.channel.basic_consume(self.on_response, no_ack=True, queue=self.callback_queue)
# 接收到返回消息的处理方法消息
def on_response(self, ch, method, props, body):
if self.corr_id == props.correlation_id:
self.response = body
def call(self, n):
self.response = None
self.corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
"""This method publishes a message to a specific exchange.
The message will be routed to queues as defined by the exchange configuration
and distributed to any active consumers when the transaction, if any, is committed."""
reply_to=self.callback_queue, correlation_id=self.corr_id),
# 确认是否有收到消息,没有的话阻塞在这里
# Will make sure that data events are processed. Dispatches timer and
# channel callbacks if not called from the scope of BlockingConnection or
# BlockingChannel callback. Your app can block on this method.
# while self.response is None: # 跟start_consuming相似
# 是一个等待消息的阻塞过程,连接的任何消息都可以使它脱离阻塞状态(有点像Ajax的事件等待机制)
while self.response is None:
return int(self.response)
ssh_rpc = FibonacciRpcClient()
response = ssh_rpc.call(30)
# Processes(处理) I/O events and dispatches timers and `basic_consume`
# callbacks until all consumers are cancelled."""
# 循环接收我们的消息,接收之后并执行我们的callback函数