php 如何写入、读取word,excel文档




 // 建立一个指向新COM组件的索引
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Can’t start Word!");
// 显示目前正在使用的Word的版本号
//echo “Loading Word, v. {$word->Version}<br>”;
// 把它的可见性设置为0(假),如果要使它在最前端打开,使用1(真)
// to open the application in the forefront, use 1 (true)
//$word->Visible = 0; //打?一个文档
//读取文档内容 $test= $word->ActiveDocument->content->Text; echo $test;
echo "<br>"; //将文档中需要换的变量更换一下
$test=str_replace("<{变量}>","这是变量",$test); echo $test;
// 在新文档中添加文字
// 关闭与COM组件之间的连接
$word->Quit(); ?>


// by
require_once './PHPExcel.php';
require_once './PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
require_once './PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php'; //使用pdo连接数据库
$dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=alumni;";
$user = "root";
$password = "";
$dbh = new PDO($dsn,$user,$password);
$dbh->query('set names utf8;');
}catch(PDOException $e){
echo "连接失败".$e->getMessage();
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("insert into alumni(gid,student_no,name) values (:gid,:student_no,:name) ");
$stmt->bindParam(":gid", $gid,PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(":student_no", $student_no,PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(":name", $name,PDO::PARAM_STR); $objReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5(); //use excel2007
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load('bks.xls'); //指定的文件
$sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
$highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); // 取得总行数
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // 取得总列数 for($j=1;$j<=10;$j++)
{ $student_no = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("A".$j)->getValue();//第一列学号
$name = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("B".$j)->getValue();//第二列姓名
$gid = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("C".$j)->getValue();//第三列gid






<form method="post" action="php文件" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h3>导入Excel表:</h3><input type="file" name="file_stu" />
<input type="submit" value="导入" />


  if (! empty ( $_FILES ['file_stu'] ['name'] ))
$tmp_file = $_FILES ['file_stu'] ['tmp_name'];
$file_types = explode ( ".", $_FILES ['file_stu'] ['name'] );
$file_type = $file_types [count ( $file_types ) - 1];
if (strtolower ( $file_type ) != "xls")
$this->error ( '不是Excel文件,重新上传' );
$savePath = SITE_PATH . '/public/upfile/Excel/';
$str = date ( 'Ymdhis' );
$file_name = $str . "." . $file_type;
if (! copy ( $tmp_file, $savePath . $file_name ))
$this->error ( '上传失败' );
$res = Service ( 'ExcelToArray' )->read ( $savePath . $file_name );
重要代码 解决Thinkphp M、D方法不能调用的问题
如果在thinkphp中遇到M 、D方法失效时就加入下面一句代码
//spl_autoload_register ( array ('Think', 'autoload' ) );
foreach ( $res as $k => $v )
if ($k != 0)
$data ['uid'] = $v [0];
$data ['password'] = sha1 ( '111111' );
$data ['email'] = $v [1];
$data ['uname'] = $v [3];
$data ['institute'] = $v [4];
$result = M ( 'user' )->add ( $data );
if (! $result)
$this->error ( '导入数据库失败' );


class ExcelToArrary extends Service{
public function __construct() {
/*导入phpExcel核心类 注意 :你的路径跟我不一样就不能直接复制*/
* 读取excel $filename 路径文件名 $encode 返回数据的编码 默认为utf8
public function read($filename,$encode='utf-8'){
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($filename);
$objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $highestRow = $objWorksheet->getHighestRow();
    $highestColumn = $objWorksheet->getHighestColumn();
   $highestColumnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn);
   $excelData = array();
   for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) {
   for ($col = 0; $col < $highestColumnIndex; $col++) {
$excelData[$row][] =(string)$objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue();
return $excelData;




$data= M('User')->findAll();   //查出数据
$name='Excelfile';    //生成的Excel文件文件名


class ExcelToArrary extends Service{
public function __construct() {
/*导入phpExcel核心类 注意 :你的路径跟我不一样就不能直接复制*/
/* 导出excel函数*/
public function push($data,$name='Excel'){
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
/*以下是一些设置 ,什么作者 标题啊之类的*/
->setCategory("result file");
/*以下就是对处理Excel里的数据, 横着取数据,主要是这一步,其他基本都不要改*/
foreach($data as $k => $v){
->setCellValue('A'.$num, $v['uid'])
->setCellValue('B'.$num, $v['email'])
->setCellValue('C'.$num, $v['password'])
header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$name.'.xls"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');



* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version 1.8.0, 2014-03-02
*/ /** PHPExcel root directory */
if (!defined('PHPEXCEL_ROOT')) {
define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
require(PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Autoloader.php');
} /**
* PHPExcel
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel
* Unique ID
* @var string
private $_uniqueID; /**
* Document properties
* @var PHPExcel_DocumentProperties
private $_properties; /**
* Document security
* @var PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity
private $_security; /**
* Collection of Worksheet objects
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet[]
private $_workSheetCollection = array(); /**
* Calculation Engine
* @var PHPExcel_Calculation
private $_calculationEngine = NULL; /**
* Active sheet index
* @var int
private $_activeSheetIndex = 0; /**
* Named ranges
* @var PHPExcel_NamedRange[]
private $_namedRanges = array(); /**
* CellXf supervisor
* @var PHPExcel_Style
private $_cellXfSupervisor; /**
* CellXf collection
* @var PHPExcel_Style[]
private $_cellXfCollection = array(); /**
* CellStyleXf collection
* @var PHPExcel_Style[]
private $_cellStyleXfCollection = array(); /**
* _hasMacros : this workbook have macros ?
* @var bool
private $_hasMacros = FALSE; /**
* _macrosCode : all macros code (the vbaProject.bin file, this include form, code, etc.), NULL if no macro
* @var binary
private $_macrosCode=NULL;
* _macrosCertificate : if macros are signed, contains vbaProjectSignature.bin file, NULL if not signed
* @var binary
private $_macrosCertificate=NULL; /**
* _ribbonXMLData : NULL if workbook is'nt Excel 2007 or not contain a customized UI
* @var NULL|string
private $_ribbonXMLData=NULL; /**
* _ribbonBinObjects : NULL if workbook is'nt Excel 2007 or not contain embedded objects (picture(s)) for Ribbon Elements
* ignored if $_ribbonXMLData is null
* @var NULL|array
private $_ribbonBinObjects=NULL; /**
* The workbook has macros ?
* @return true if workbook has macros, false if not
public function hasMacros(){
return $this->_hasMacros;
} /**
* Define if a workbook has macros
* @param true|false
public function setHasMacros($hasMacros=false){
} /**
* Set the macros code
* @param binary string|null
public function setMacrosCode($MacrosCode){
} /**
* Return the macros code
* @return binary|null
public function getMacrosCode(){
return $this->_macrosCode;
} /**
* Set the macros certificate
* @param binary|null
public function setMacrosCertificate($Certificate=NULL){
} /**
* Is the project signed ?
* @return true|false
public function hasMacrosCertificate(){
return !is_null($this->_macrosCertificate);
} /**
* Return the macros certificate
* @return binary|null
public function getMacrosCertificate(){
return $this->_macrosCertificate;
} /**
* Remove all macros, certificate from spreadsheet
* @param none
* @return void
public function discardMacros(){
} /**
* set ribbon XML data
public function setRibbonXMLData($Target=NULL, $XMLData=NULL){
if(!is_null($Target) && !is_null($XMLData)){
$this->_ribbonXMLData=array('target'=>$Target, 'data'=>$XMLData);
} /**
* retrieve ribbon XML Data
* return string|null|array
public function getRibbonXMLData($What='all'){//we need some constants here...
case 'all':
case 'target':
case 'data':
if(is_array($this->_ribbonXMLData) && array_key_exists($What,$this->_ribbonXMLData)){
}//else $ReturnData stay at null
}//default: $ReturnData at null
return $ReturnData;
} /**
* store binaries ribbon objects (pictures)
public function setRibbonBinObjects($BinObjectsNames=NULL, $BinObjectsData=NULL){
if(!is_null($BinObjectsNames) && !is_null($BinObjectsData)){
$this->_ribbonBinObjects=array('names'=>$BinObjectsNames, 'data'=>$BinObjectsData);
* return the extension of a filename. Internal use for a array_map callback (php<5.3 don't like lambda function)
private function _getExtensionOnly($ThePath){
return pathinfo($ThePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
} /**
* retrieve Binaries Ribbon Objects
public function getRibbonBinObjects($What='all'){
case 'all':
return $this->_ribbonBinObjects;
case 'names':
case 'data':
if(is_array($this->_ribbonBinObjects) && array_key_exists($What, $this->_ribbonBinObjects)){
case 'types':
if(is_array($this->_ribbonBinObjects) && array_key_exists('data', $this->_ribbonBinObjects) && is_array($this->_ribbonBinObjects['data'])){
$ReturnData=array_unique(array_map(array($this,'_getExtensionOnly'), $tmpTypes));
$ReturnData=array();//the caller want an array... not null if empty
return $ReturnData;
} /**
* This workbook have a custom UI ?
* @return true|false
public function hasRibbon(){
return !is_null($this->_ribbonXMLData);
} /**
* This workbook have additionnal object for the ribbon ?
* @return true|false
public function hasRibbonBinObjects(){
return !is_null($this->_ribbonBinObjects);
} /**
* Check if a sheet with a specified code name already exists
* @param string $pSheetCodeName Name of the worksheet to check
* @return boolean
public function sheetCodeNameExists($pSheetCodeName)
return ($this->getSheetByCodeName($pSheetCodeName) !== NULL);
} /**
* Get sheet by code name. Warning : sheet don't have always a code name !
* @param string $pName Sheet name
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function getSheetByCodeName($pName = '')
$worksheetCount = count($this->_workSheetCollection);
for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
if ($this->_workSheetCollection[$i]->getCodeName() == $pName) {
return $this->_workSheetCollection[$i];
} return null;
} /**
* Create a new PHPExcel with one Worksheet
public function __construct()
$this->_uniqueID = uniqid();
$this->_calculationEngine = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($this); // Initialise worksheet collection and add one worksheet
$this->_workSheetCollection = array();
$this->_workSheetCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this);
$this->_activeSheetIndex = 0; // Create document properties
$this->_properties = new PHPExcel_DocumentProperties(); // Create document security
$this->_security = new PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity(); // Set named ranges
$this->_namedRanges = array(); // Create the cellXf supervisor
$this->_cellXfSupervisor = new PHPExcel_Style(true);
$this->_cellXfSupervisor->bindParent($this); // Create the default style
$this->addCellXf(new PHPExcel_Style);
$this->addCellStyleXf(new PHPExcel_Style);
} /**
* Code to execute when this worksheet is unset()
public function __destruct() {
} // function __destruct() /**
* Disconnect all worksheets from this PHPExcel workbook object,
* typically so that the PHPExcel object can be unset
public function disconnectWorksheets()
$worksheet = NULL;
foreach($this->_workSheetCollection as $k => &$worksheet) {
$this->_workSheetCollection[$k] = null;
$this->_workSheetCollection = array();
} /**
* Return the calculation engine for this worksheet
* @return PHPExcel_Calculation
public function getCalculationEngine()
return $this->_calculationEngine;
} // function getCellCacheController() /**
* Get properties
* @return PHPExcel_DocumentProperties
public function getProperties()
return $this->_properties;
} /**
* Set properties
* @param PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue
public function setProperties(PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue)
$this->_properties = $pValue;
} /**
* Get security
* @return PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity
public function getSecurity()
return $this->_security;
} /**
* Set security
* @param PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue
public function setSecurity(PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue)
$this->_security = $pValue;
} /**
* Get active sheet
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function getActiveSheet()
return $this->_workSheetCollection[$this->_activeSheetIndex];
} /**
* Create sheet and add it to this workbook
* @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function createSheet($iSheetIndex = NULL)
$newSheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this);
$this->addSheet($newSheet, $iSheetIndex);
return $newSheet;
} /**
* Check if a sheet with a specified name already exists
* @param string $pSheetName Name of the worksheet to check
* @return boolean
public function sheetNameExists($pSheetName)
return ($this->getSheetByName($pSheetName) !== NULL);
} /**
* Add sheet
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet
* @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function addSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = NULL)
if ($this->sheetNameExists($pSheet->getTitle())) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception(
"Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle()}'. Rename this worksheet first."
} if($iSheetIndex === NULL) {
if ($this->_activeSheetIndex < 0) {
$this->_activeSheetIndex = 0;
$this->_workSheetCollection[] = $pSheet;
} else {
// Insert the sheet at the requested index
); // Adjust active sheet index if necessary
if ($this->_activeSheetIndex >= $iSheetIndex) {
} if ($pSheet->getParent() === null) {
} return $pSheet;
} /**
* Remove sheet by index
* @param int $pIndex Active sheet index
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function removeSheetByIndex($pIndex = 0)
{ $numSheets = count($this->_workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception(
"You tried to remove a sheet by the out of bounds index: {$pIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}."
} else {
array_splice($this->_workSheetCollection, $pIndex, 1);
// Adjust active sheet index if necessary
if (($this->_activeSheetIndex >= $pIndex) &&
($pIndex > count($this->_workSheetCollection) - 1)) {
} } /**
* Get sheet by index
* @param int $pIndex Sheet index
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function getSheet($pIndex = 0)
{ $numSheets = count($this->_workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception(
"Your requested sheet index: {$pIndex} is out of bounds. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}."
} else {
return $this->_workSheetCollection[$pIndex];
} /**
* Get all sheets
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet[]
public function getAllSheets()
return $this->_workSheetCollection;
} /**
* Get sheet by name
* @param string $pName Sheet name
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function getSheetByName($pName = '')
$worksheetCount = count($this->_workSheetCollection);
for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
if ($this->_workSheetCollection[$i]->getTitle() === $pName) {
return $this->_workSheetCollection[$i];
} return NULL;
} /**
* Get index for sheet
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet
* @return Sheet index
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function getIndex(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet)
foreach ($this->_workSheetCollection as $key => $value) {
if ($value->getHashCode() == $pSheet->getHashCode()) {
return $key;
} throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Sheet does not exist.");
} /**
* Set index for sheet by sheet name.
* @param string $sheetName Sheet name to modify index for
* @param int $newIndex New index for the sheet
* @return New sheet index
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setIndexByName($sheetName, $newIndex)
$oldIndex = $this->getIndex($this->getSheetByName($sheetName));
$pSheet = array_splice(
return $newIndex;
} /**
* Get sheet count
* @return int
public function getSheetCount()
return count($this->_workSheetCollection);
} /**
* Get active sheet index
* @return int Active sheet index
public function getActiveSheetIndex()
return $this->_activeSheetIndex;
} /**
* Set active sheet index
* @param int $pIndex Active sheet index
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function setActiveSheetIndex($pIndex = 0)
$numSheets = count($this->_workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception(
"You tried to set a sheet active by the out of bounds index: {$pIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}."
} else {
$this->_activeSheetIndex = $pIndex;
return $this->getActiveSheet();
} /**
* Set active sheet index by name
* @param string $pValue Sheet title
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setActiveSheetIndexByName($pValue = '')
if (($worksheet = $this->getSheetByName($pValue)) instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet) {
return $worksheet;
} throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Workbook does not contain sheet:' . $pValue);
} /**
* Get sheet names
* @return string[]
public function getSheetNames()
$returnValue = array();
$worksheetCount = $this->getSheetCount();
for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
$returnValue[] = $this->getSheet($i)->getTitle();
} return $returnValue;
} /**
* Add external sheet
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet External sheet to add
* @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function addExternalSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null) {
if ($this->sheetNameExists($pSheet->getTitle())) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle()}'. Rename the external sheet first.");
} // count how many cellXfs there are in this workbook currently, we will need this below
$countCellXfs = count($this->_cellXfCollection); // copy all the shared cellXfs from the external workbook and append them to the current
foreach ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfCollection() as $cellXf) {
$this->addCellXf(clone $cellXf);
} // move sheet to this workbook
$pSheet->rebindParent($this); // update the cellXfs
foreach ($pSheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
$cell = $pSheet->getCell($cellID);
$cell->setXfIndex( $cell->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs );
} return $this->addSheet($pSheet, $iSheetIndex);
} /**
* Get named ranges
* @return PHPExcel_NamedRange[]
public function getNamedRanges() {
return $this->_namedRanges;
} /**
* Add named range
* @param PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange
* @return PHPExcel
public function addNamedRange(PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange) {
if ($namedRange->getScope() == null) {
// global scope
$this->_namedRanges[$namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange;
} else {
// local scope
$this->_namedRanges[$namedRange->getScope()->getTitle().'!'.$namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange;
return true;
} /**
* Get named range
* @param string $namedRange
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet|null $pSheet Scope. Use null for global scope
* @return PHPExcel_NamedRange|null
public function getNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) {
$returnValue = null; if ($namedRange != '' && ($namedRange !== NULL)) {
// first look for global defined name
if (isset($this->_namedRanges[$namedRange])) {
$returnValue = $this->_namedRanges[$namedRange];
} // then look for local defined name (has priority over global defined name if both names exist)
if (($pSheet !== NULL) && isset($this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange])) {
$returnValue = $this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange];
} return $returnValue;
} /**
* Remove named range
* @param string $namedRange
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet|null $pSheet Scope: use null for global scope.
* @return PHPExcel
public function removeNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) {
if ($pSheet === NULL) {
if (isset($this->_namedRanges[$namedRange])) {
} else {
if (isset($this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange])) {
unset($this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange]);
return $this;
} /**
* Get worksheet iterator
* @return PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator
public function getWorksheetIterator() {
return new PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator($this);
} /**
* Copy workbook (!= clone!)
* @return PHPExcel
public function copy() {
$copied = clone $this; $worksheetCount = count($this->_workSheetCollection);
for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
$this->_workSheetCollection[$i] = $this->_workSheetCollection[$i]->copy();
} return $copied;
} /**
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
foreach($this as $key => $val) {
if (is_object($val) || (is_array($val))) {
$this->{$key} = unserialize(serialize($val));
} /**
* Get the workbook collection of cellXfs
* @return PHPExcel_Style[]
public function getCellXfCollection()
return $this->_cellXfCollection;
} /**
* Get cellXf by index
* @param int $pIndex
* @return PHPExcel_Style
public function getCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
return $this->_cellXfCollection[$pIndex];
} /**
* Get cellXf by hash code
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Style|false
public function getCellXfByHashCode($pValue = '')
foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $cellXf) {
if ($cellXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) {
return $cellXf;
return false;
} /**
* Check if style exists in style collection
* @param PHPExcel_Style $pCellStyle
* @return boolean
public function cellXfExists($pCellStyle = null)
return in_array($pCellStyle, $this->_cellXfCollection, true);
} /**
* Get default style
* @return PHPExcel_Style
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function getDefaultStyle()
if (isset($this->_cellXfCollection[0])) {
return $this->_cellXfCollection[0];
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('No default style found for this workbook');
} /**
* Add a cellXf to the workbook
* @param PHPExcel_Style $style
public function addCellXf(PHPExcel_Style $style)
$this->_cellXfCollection[] = $style;
$style->setIndex(count($this->_cellXfCollection) - 1);
} /**
* Remove cellXf by index. It is ensured that all cells get their xf index updated.
* @param int $pIndex Index to cellXf
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function removeCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
if ($pIndex > count($this->_cellXfCollection) - 1) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("CellXf index is out of bounds.");
} else {
// first remove the cellXf
array_splice($this->_cellXfCollection, $pIndex, 1); // then update cellXf indexes for cells
foreach ($this->_workSheetCollection as $worksheet) {
foreach ($worksheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
$cell = $worksheet->getCell($cellID);
$xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex();
if ($xfIndex > $pIndex ) {
// decrease xf index by 1
$cell->setXfIndex($xfIndex - 1);
} else if ($xfIndex == $pIndex) {
// set to default xf index 0
} /**
* Get the cellXf supervisor
* @return PHPExcel_Style
public function getCellXfSupervisor()
return $this->_cellXfSupervisor;
} /**
* Get the workbook collection of cellStyleXfs
* @return PHPExcel_Style[]
public function getCellStyleXfCollection()
return $this->_cellStyleXfCollection;
} /**
* Get cellStyleXf by index
* @param int $pIndex
* @return PHPExcel_Style
public function getCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
return $this->_cellStyleXfCollection[$pIndex];
} /**
* Get cellStyleXf by hash code
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Style|false
public function getCellStyleXfByHashCode($pValue = '')
foreach ($this->_cellXfStyleCollection as $cellStyleXf) {
if ($cellStyleXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) {
return $cellStyleXf;
return false;
} /**
* Add a cellStyleXf to the workbook
* @param PHPExcel_Style $pStyle
public function addCellStyleXf(PHPExcel_Style $pStyle)
$this->_cellStyleXfCollection[] = $pStyle;
$pStyle->setIndex(count($this->_cellStyleXfCollection) - 1);
} /**
* Remove cellStyleXf by index
* @param int $pIndex
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function removeCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
if ($pIndex > count($this->_cellStyleXfCollection) - 1) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("CellStyleXf index is out of bounds.");
} else {
array_splice($this->_cellStyleXfCollection, $pIndex, 1);
} /**
* Eliminate all unneeded cellXf and afterwards update the xfIndex for all cells
* and columns in the workbook
public function garbageCollect()
// how many references are there to each cellXf ?
$countReferencesCellXf = array();
foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) {
$countReferencesCellXf[$index] = 0;
} foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { // from cells
foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
$cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID);
} // from row dimensions
foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) {
} // from column dimensions
foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) {
} // remove cellXfs without references and create mapping so we can update xfIndex
// for all cells and columns
$countNeededCellXfs = 0;
foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) {
if ($countReferencesCellXf[$index] > 0 || $index == 0) { // we must never remove the first cellXf
} else {
$map[$index] = $countNeededCellXfs - 1;
$this->_cellXfCollection = array_values($this->_cellXfCollection); // update the index for all cellXfs
foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $i => $cellXf) {
} // make sure there is always at least one cellXf (there should be)
if (empty($this->_cellXfCollection)) {
$this->_cellXfCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Style();
} // update the xfIndex for all cells, row dimensions, column dimensions
foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { // for all cells
foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
$cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID);
$cell->setXfIndex( $map[$cell->getXfIndex()] );
} // for all row dimensions
foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) {
$rowDimension->setXfIndex( $map[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()] );
} // for all column dimensions
foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) {
$columnDimension->setXfIndex( $map[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()] );
} // also do garbage collection for all the sheets
} /**
* Return the unique ID value assigned to this spreadsheet workbook
* @return string
public function getID() {
return $this->_uniqueID;
} }
上一篇:2018/2/5 ELK技术栈之ElasticSearch学习笔记



")中检测到有潜在危险的 Request.Form 值。