* Compilation: javac
* Execution: java CalISBN n
* Determines the check digit of an ISBN-10 number given the first 9 digits.
* An ISBN-10 number is valid if it consists of 10 digits and
* d_1 + 2*d_2 + 3*d_3 + ... + 10*d_10 is a multiple of 11.
* For example, 0-201-31452-5 is valid since
* 1*5 + 2*2 + 3*5 + 4*4 + 5*1 + 6*3 + 7*1 + 8*0 + 9*2 + 10*0 = 88
* and 88 is a multiple of 11.
* % java CalISBN 013407642
* The full ISBN number is 0134076427
* % java CalISBN 067233784
* The full ISBN number is 0672337843
* % java CalISBN 032157351
* The full ISBN number is 032157351X
******************************************************************************/ public class CalISBN { public static void main(String[] args) { // read in one command-line argument
int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // compute the weighted sum of the digits, from right to left
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++) {
int digit = n % 10; // rightmost digit
sum = sum + i * digit;
n = n / 10;
} // print out check digit, use X for 10
System.out.print("The full ISBN number is " + args[0]);
if (sum % 11 == 1) System.out.println("X");
else if (sum % 11 == 0) System.out.println("0");
else System.out.println(11 - (sum % 11));
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