C++ 编译器内存错误 after Normal block。。。

解决 after Normal block(#908) at 0x399EC0. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer 内存出错

1. 数组越界所导致

char* pBuffer = new char[2];
  int v = 123;
  strcpy(pBuffer, &v);
  delete[] pBuffer;

2. 释放过的内存没有置为0,也就是就是野指针的问题

if (this->mstr != NULL)
   delete[] this->mstr;
   this->mstr = NULL;//必要


char* pBuffer = new char[strlen(this->p)+1];


char* pBuffer = new char(strlen(this->p)+1);

同样会在  析构delete[]的时候出现  内存中断。

上一篇:remote debug in visual studio
