20200301英语上课笔记-for business trip

Wanlin W./Kane

business card (n) - a card that includes your professional information (name, company, position, etc.)

Ying Y./Lucy

I traveling New Zealand.

I travel New Zealand.

I travel to New Zealand.

flight (n) - a trip between two places using a plane

Ada H.

itinerary (n) - a schedule for where you will go and what times

hospital (n) - a place that helps sick people

hotel (n) - a place for travelers to stay at night

Gina X. - just listening

Colin B./Ella

island [ai:-land]

accommodation (n) - a place you will stay during the night

Vivi V.

toiletries (n) - the items you use to clean yourself (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)

William L.

Detroit [di:-troi:t]

20200301英语上课笔记-for business trip


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