

Write tests in JS or TypeScript, run them and view results


Headless Chrome Node.js API



UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!



Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.



Delightful JavaScript Testing.


React Testing Library

Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.



???? Testing can be a drag. AVA helps you get it done.



☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the



Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js




tap-producing test harness for node and browsers


Istanbul will tell you how much of your code is covered with unit tests. It will report on statement, line, function and branch coverage in percentages so you will understand better what is left to cover.


Karma hosts a test server with a special web page to run your tests in the page’s environment. This page can be run across many browsers and browser-like environments including jsdom.


Chai is the most popular assertion library. It has many plugins and extensions.



Unexpected is an assertion library with a slightly different syntax from Chai. It is also extensible so assertions can be more advanced with libraries that are based on it like unexpected-react that you can read about more in depth here.



Sinon has very powerful standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript that works with any unit testing framework.



Wallaby is another tool worth mentioning. It is not free, but many users recommend buying it. It runs on your IDE (it supports all major ones) and runs tests that are relevant to your code changes and indicates if anything fails in real time alongside your code.



Cucumber help with writing tests in BDD by dividing them between the acceptance criteria files using the Gherkin syntax and the tests that correspond to them.



Selenium and tools that rely on it dominated the market of Functional Tests for years. It is not written specifically for testing and can control a browser for many purposes by exposing a driver that controls browsers using add-ins and browser extensions.


Protractor is a library that wraps Selenium and provides us with improved syntax and special built-in hooks for Angular.



WebdriverIO has its own implementation of the selenium WebDriver.



Nightwatch has its own implementation of the selenium WebDriver. And provides its own testing framework with a test server, assertions, and tools.



Apium provides an API similar to Selenium for testing websites on a mobile device using the following tools:



Playwright is a exactly like Puppeteer, but it is developed by Microsoft



Phantom implements the chromium engine to create a controllable Chrome-like headless browser. It was a great tool to run in headless mode until Google announcement of “Puppeteer”.



Nightmare is a Functional Testing library that offers a very simple test syntax.



Like CucumberJS which was discussed above, Codecept provides another abstraction over different libraries’ API’s to make your interactions with tests use a slightly different philosophy that focuses on user behavior.



Next generation test automation platform powered by Visual AI

Increase quality, accelerate delivery and reduce cost with the world’s most intelligent test automation platform.



Happo is a paid visual regression testing tool. It hooks into the CI to compare the visual appearance of UI components before and after a change



Yandex created this library alongside with the now deprecated Gemini, that was a great simple-to-use visual regression testing tool.



An open source visual regression utility that runs on Chrome Headless with Puppeteer and CI support.


An open source utility by the Times Tooling team at News UK.



An open source library that compares images, generates reports and saves them on the cloud. Very convenient if you want to add visual regression tests to an existing functional test. Simply add steps of taking screenshots to your existing test flow and use it to compare these screenshots.


Another open source Chrome Headless using Puppeteer testing tool with nice integrations with Jest snapshots. Can run in docker and generates convenient reports.



Opens your application in a separate window and uses a browser extension to record your manual interactions with the application as test scenarios.



Chromatic is a visual testing tool for Storybook made by Storybook maintainers.


Lets you record your tests using a chrome extension, has in depth visual regression reporting. Has some nice integrations like with storybook different CI tools and BrowserStack and Sauce Labs.


上一篇:API Testing 7 - HTTP状态码
