import os all_files = os.listdir(os.curdir) type_dict = {} type_dict['文件夹'] = 0 for each in all_files: if os.path.isdir(each): type_dict['文件夹'] += 1 else: suffix = os.path.splitext(each)[1] type_dict.setdefault(suffix, 0) type_dict[suffix] += 1 print(type_dict) for each_doc in type_dict: print('该文件夹下共有类型为'+each_doc+'的文件%d个'%type_dict[each_doc])
all_files = os.listdir(os.curdir) # type_dict = {} # type_dict['文件夹'] = 0 for each in all_files: print(each,'[%d]Bytes'%os.path.getsize(each))
在一个目录中查文件 哈哈哈 这个是我自己写的 开心 好难。
def search_file(file_name,path): all_files = os.listdir(path) a = None for each in all_files: if each == file_name and a== None: return path else: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,each)) and a== None: a = search_file(file_name,os.path.join(path,each)) if a != None : return a path = input('请输入待查找的初始目录:') file_name = input('请输入需要查找的目标文件:') print(search_file(file_name,path))
def search_file(path,target): all_files = os.listdir(path) for each in all_files: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,each)) : a = search_file(os.path.join(path,each),target) else: if os.path.splitext(each)[1] in '.mp4,.rmvb,.avi,.mp3': target.write(os.path.join(path,each)) target.write('\n') f = open('vedioList.txt','w') path = input('请输入待查找的初始目录:') print(search_file(path,f))
啊啊啊 信心再次增强!!!
4: 对不起 信心没了 抄答案
def print_pos(key_dict): keys = key_dict.keys() keys = sorted(keys) # 由于字典是无序的,我们这里对行数进行排序 for each_key in keys: print('关键字出现在第 %s 行,第 %s 个位置。' % (each_key, str(key_dict[each_key]))) def pos_in_line(line, key): pos = [] begin = line.find(key) while begin != -1: pos.append(begin + 1) # 用户的角度是从1开始数 begin = line.find(key, begin+1) # 从下一个位置继续查找 return pos def search_in_file(file_name, key): f = open(file_name) count = 0 # 记录行数 key_dict = dict() # 字典,用户存放key所在具体行数对应具体位置 for each_line in f: count += 1 if key in each_line: pos = pos_in_line(each_line, key) # key在每行对应的位置 key_dict[count] = pos f.close() return key_dict def search_files(key, detail): all_files = os.walk(os.getcwd()) #walk 行走至目录 而且会将文件分类 返回一个迭代对象 0是当前目录 1是文件夹列表 2是文件列表 os.getcwd 返回当前进程目录。 txt_files = [] for i in all_files: for each_file in i[2]: if os.path.splitext(each_file)[1] == '.txt': # 根据后缀判断是否文本文件 each_file = os.path.join(i[0], each_file) txt_files.append(each_file) for each_txt_file in txt_files: key_dict = search_in_file(each_txt_file, key) if key_dict: print('================================================================') print('在文件【%s】中找到关键字【%s】' % (each_txt_file, key)) if detail in ['YES', 'Yes', 'yes']: print_pos(key_dict) key = input('请将该脚本放于待查找的文件夹内,请输入关键字:') detail = input('请问是否需要打印关键字【%s】在文件中的具体位置(YES/NO):' % key) search_files(key, detail)