java – 应用程序是否可以更改WebSphere和DB2组合上每个单独事务的隔离级别





由于数据源由应用程序服务器管理(并且WebSphere是Java EE的全功能实现),因此它实际上是适用于此的JCA规范. JCA 1.5的第7.9节对应用程序更改事务隔离级别的能力施加了以下限制:

If a connection is marked as shareable, it must be transparent to the application whether a single shared connection is used or not. The application must not make assumptions about a single shared connection being used, and hence must use the connection in a shareable manner.

However, a J2EE application component that intends to use a connection in an unshareable way must leave a deployment hint to that effect, which will prevent the connection from being shared by the container. Examples of unshareable usage of a connection include changing the security attributes, isolation levels, character settings, and localization configuration.


Trying to directly set the isolation level through the setTransactionIsolation() method on a shareable connection that runs in a global transaction is not allowed. To use a different isolation level on connections, you must provide a different resource reference.

另一方面,JCA 1.5规范的第7.9.1节描述了应用服务器仍然允许应用程序更改隔离级别的情况,即使连接是可共享的.基本上这适用于将连接配置为可共享但在实际上不共享连接的情况(因为不需要在多个组件之间共享连接).


applications […] cannot modify the properties of a shareable connection after making the connection request, if other handles exist for that connection. (If no other handles are associated with the connection, then the connection properties can be altered.)




>使用WebSphere特定的WSDataSource API在获取连接之前指定预期的隔离级别.
>修改SQL以基于每个查询更改隔离级别(例如,使用WITH UR).

上一篇:java – 如何在插入XML列时解决“非法转换”异常?

下一篇:DB2 v9.1 RACF 瞎学笔记