From official site, TA-Lib is widely used by trading software developers requiring to perform technical analysis of financial market data.
TA-Lib is available under a BSD License allowing it to be integrated in your own open-source or commercial appliacation.
TA-Lib is Open-source API for C/C++, Java, Perl, Python.
TA-Lib started as an open-source hobby in 1999 by Mario Fortier(GitHub). The company TicTacTex was formed in 2007 to provide services related to TA-Lib and other derived products.
Open-Source Python
The implementation is not native Python code, The C/C++ code is made avaiable through a wrapper.
The latest Version is 0.4(Sepetember 2007).
The technical analysis library is listed here.
以上源自TA-Lib官方网站,最新版本是2007年的0.4, 作者是Mario Fortier,他的github2014年之后就没有再更新,不知道这个大神后来在哪里.
Python wrapper for TA-Lib
这个版本是大众常用的, GitHub
The original Python bingdings use SWIG which unfortunately are difficult to install and aren’t as efficient as they could be. Therefor this project uses Cython and Numpy to efficiently and clearnly bind to TA-Lib – producing results 2-4 times faster than the SWIG interface.
关于python binding, 参见《理解Python binding》
- 12-02理解talib历史脉络及python安装