[Angular] Setup automated deployment with Angular, Travis and Firebase

Automate all the things!! Automation is crucial for increasing the quality and productivity. In this lesson we will learn how to automate the deployment of our Angular app to Firebase Hosting, by using GitHub and Travis. By the end of the lesson we will be able to automatically deploy our app with a simple git push to our repository's master branch.



language: node_js
- "8.1.2" branches:
- master ## deploy only be triggered when changes are pushed to the master before_script:
- npm install -g firebase-tools ## here we install any dependencies we need but not in package.json script:
- npm run build.prod ## here we do production build after_success:
- firebase deploy --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN --non-interactive ## when success, we delpoy to firebase, $FIREBASE_TOKEN is provided in Travis settings, --non-interactive tell firebase deploy in automatic mode notifications:
on_failure: change ## when failure send email to notifity user
on_success: change ## when success send email to notifity user

Generate Firebase token:

firebase login:ci
上一篇:[转]Angular, Backbone, or Ember: Which is Best for your Build?
