Problem with the ES5:
function displayTags(){
for (let i in arguments) {
let tag = arguments[i];
- Hard to tell which parameters this functon expects to be called with
- arguments -- where did this come from?
- IF we add an agument, it will break everything:
function displayTags(targetElement){ let target = _findElement(targetElement); for (let i in arguments) {
let tag = arguments[i]; // break the loop, since the first arguments is no longer a tag
_addToTopic(target, tag);
Improvement from ES6:
// Cannot assign default value to Rest Parameter
// Rest Parameter should alwasys come at the last
const displayTags = (blogName="New Blog", ...tags) => {
console.log(blogName, tags);
} displayTags("ES2015", "Javascript", "ES6", "Babel");