#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> struct polar{
double distance;
double angle;
}; struct rect{
double x;
double y;
}; void rect_to_polar(const rect * pxy, polar * pda);
void show_polar(const polar * pda); int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
using namespace std;
rect rplace;
polar pplace;
std::cout << "Enter the x and y values:";
while (cin >> rplace.x >> rplace.y)
rect_to_polar(&rplace, &pplace);
std::cout << "Next two numbers (q to quit)" << '\n';
std::cout << "Done." << '\n';
return ;
} void show_polar(const polar * pda)
using namespace std;
const double Rad_to_deg = 57.29577951; std::cout << "distance = " << pda->distance;
std::cout << ", angle = " << pda->angle * Rad_to_deg;
std::cout << " degrees" << '\n';
} void rect_to_polar(const rect * pxy, polar * pda)
using namespace std;
pda->distance = sqrt(pxy->x * pxy->x + pxy->y * pxy->y);
pda->angle = atan2(pxy->y, pxy->x);
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> struct polar{
double distance;
double angle;
}; struct rect{
double x;
double y;
}; polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos);
void show_polar(polar dapos); int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
using namespace std; rect rplace;
polar pplace; std::cout << "Enter the x and y values: " << '\n'; while (cin >> rplace.x >> rplace.y){
pplace = rect_to_polar(rplace);
std::cout << "Next two numbers (q to quit) :" << '\n';
} return ;
} polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos)
using namespace std;
polar answer;
answer.distance = sqrt(xypos.x * xypos.x + xypos.y * xypos.y);
answer.angle = atan2(xypos.y, xypos.x);
return answer;
} void show_polar(polar dapos)
using namespace std;
const double Rad_to_deg = 57.29577951; std::cout << "distance = " << dapos.distance << '\n';
std::cout << ", angle = " << dapos.angle * Rad_to_deg << '\n';