Cracking the Coding Interview(Trees and Graphs)

Cracking the Coding Interview(Trees and Graphs)


class TreeNode
    int treenum;
    TreeNode** children;
    int child_num;
    int child_len;
    int depth;
    int iterator;
    TreeNode* rightchild;
    TreeNode* leftchild;
    TreeNode* father;
        children = new TreeNode*[child_len];
        rightchild = NULL;
        leftchild = NULL;
        delete [] children;
    void addchild(TreeNode* tn)
        children[child_num++] = tn;
    int isleaf()
        if (child_num == 0)
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
    int hasnextchild()
        if (iterator < child_num)
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
    TreeNode* nextchild()
        return children[iterator++];


1.Implement a function to check if a tree is balanced.For the purposes of this question,a balanced tree is defined to be a tree such that no two leaf nodes differ in distance from the root by more than one.


int isbalanced(TreeNode* root)
    queue<TreeNode*>* q = new queue<TreeNode*>;
    int max = 0,min = BIGNUM;
    root->depth = 0;
    while (!q->empty())
        TreeNode* tn = q->front();
        if (tn->isleaf() == TRUE)
            min = tn->depth<min?tn->depth:min;
            max = tn->depth<max?max:tn->depth;
            while (tn->hasnextchild() == TRUE)
                TreeNode* child = tn->nextchild();
                child->depth = tn->depth + 1;
    if (max - min > 1)
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;


2.Given a directed graph,design an algorithm to find out whether there is a route between two nodes.



int isroute(int src,int dst,int** grp,int length)
    int* srcarray = grp[src];
    if(srcarray[dst] == 1)
        return TRUE;
        for (int i = 0;i < length;i++)
            if (srcarray[i] == 1&&i != src)
                //indicate has visit
                srcarray[i] = 0;
                return isroute(i,dst,grp,length);
    return FALSE;


3.Given a sorted(increased order) array,write an algorithm to create a binary tree with minimal height.


TreeNode* createNode(int* array,int length)
    TreeNode* root = new TreeNode();
    int index = 0;
    queue<TreeNode*>* q = new queue<TreeNode*>();
    root->treenum = array[index++];
    while (index < length)
        TreeNode* tn = q->front();
        TreeNode* l = new TreeNode();
        l->treenum = array[index++];
        tn->leftchild = l;
        if (index > length)
        TreeNode* r = new TreeNode();
        r->treenum = array[index++];
        tn->rightchild = r;
    return root;


4.Given a binary search tree,design an algorithm which creates a linked list of all the nodes at each depth(ie,if you have a tree with depth D,you'll have D linked lists).


TreeNode*** backnodelist(TreeNode* root)
    TreeNode*** tn = new TreeNode**[20];
    int index[20] = {0};
    for (int i = 0;i < 20;i++)
        tn[i] = new TreeNode*[20];
    for (int i = 0;i < 3;i++)
        for (int j = 0;j < 10;j++)
            tn[i][j] = NULL;
    queue<TreeNode*>* q = new queue<TreeNode*>();
    root->depth = 0;
        TreeNode* outtn = q->front();
        tn[outtn->depth][index[outtn->depth]++] = outtn;
        if (outtn->rightchild != NULL)
            outtn->rightchild->depth = outtn->depth+1;
        if (outtn->leftchild != NULL)
            outtn->leftchild->depth = outtn->depth+1;
    return tn;



5.Write an algorithm to find the 'next' node(ie,in-order successor) of a given node in a binary search tree where each node has a link to its parent.


TreeNode* nextnode(TreeNode* node)
    if (node->rightchild->treenum != 0)
        return node->rightchild;
        if (node == node->father->rightchild)
            return node->father->father;
            return node->father;


6.Design an algorithm and write code to find the first common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree.Avoid storing additional nodes in a data structure.Note:This is not necessarily a binary search tree.





递归的思想。如果节点p和q再root节点的同一侧,则继续递归至那一侧寻找first common ancestor,如果节点p和q再root节点的两侧,则该root节点及为寻找的first common ancestor。

//copy from Cracking the coding interview
public Tree commonAncestor(Tree root,Tree p,Tree q) {
        return commonAncestor(root.left,p,q)
        return commonAncestor(root.right,p,q))
    return root;
private boolean covers(Tree root,Tree p) {
    if(root == null) return false;
    if(root == p) return true;
    return covers(root.left,p) || covers(root.right,p);


//copy from cracking the coding interview
static int TWO_NODES_FOUND=2;
static int ONE_NODES_FOUND=1;
static int NO_NODES_FOUND=0;
int covers(TreeNode root,TreeNode p ,TreeNode q) {
    int ret = NO_NODES_FOUND;
    if(root == null) return ret;
    if(root == p || root == q) ret += 1;
    ret += covers(root.left,p,q);
    if(ret == TWO_NODES_FOUND)
        return ret;
    return ret + covers(root.right,p,q);
TreeNode commonAncestor(TreeNode root,TreeNode p,TreeNode q) {
    if(q == p&&(root.left == q|| root.right == q)) return root;
    int nodesFromLeft = covers(root.left,p,q);
    if(nodesFromLeft == TWO_NODES_FOUND) {
        if(root.left == p || root.left == q) return root.left;
        else return commonAncestor(root.left,p,q);
    }else if(nodesFromLeft == ONE_NODES_FOUND) {
        if(root == p) return p;
        else if(root == q) return q;
    int nodesFromRight = covers(root.right,p,q);
        if(nodesFromLeft == TWO_NODES_FOUND) {
            if(root.right== p || root.right== q) return root.right;
            else return commonAncestor(root.right,p,q);
        }else if(nodesFromRight == ONE_NODES_FOUND) {
            if(root == p) return p;
            else if(root == q) return q;
    if(nodesFromLeft == ONE_NODES_FOUND&&nodesFromRight == ONE_NODES_FOUND)
        return root;
        return null;

7.You have two very large binary trees:T1,with millions of nodes,and T2,with hundreds of nodes.Create an algorithm to decide if T2 is a subtree of T1.


(1)其中一种思路是利用字符串表示这里的树,及利用其中一种遍历树的顺序将树转换为字符串。无论什么顺序,只要两个树的遍历顺序相同即可。如果得到的字符串T2是T1的子串,则可以说明T2就是T1的子树。(子串的检测可以利用suffix tree,suffix tree, 或 后缀树,是一种相当神奇的数据结构,它包含了字符串中的大量信息,能够于解决很多复杂的字符串问题 —— 事实上,基本上目前为止俺遇到过的所有与字符串有关的问题都可以通过它解决<可以了解一下这种数据结构>),但是因为T1有数百万的节点,所以建立suffix tree的时候可能会需要很大的memory space,所以这一种解决方案的缺陷在于空间复杂度比较高。

(2) 另外一种思路就是直接遍历T1,如果遇到T2的root节点则接下来同时遍历T1和T2,如果相同的遍历完成T2,则可以判定T2是T1的子树。时间复杂度最坏为O(n*m),这里n是T1的节点数量,m是T2的节点数量。这里是没有T2的root节点在T1中位置信息,如果有位置信息,能够提供更加准确的时间复杂度。

//copy from cracking the coding interview
boolean containsTree(TreeNode t1,TreeNode t2) {
    if(t2 == null) return true;
    else return subTree(t1,t2);
boolean subTree(TreeNode r1,TreeNode r2) {
    if(r1 == null)
        return false;
    if( ==
        if(matchTree(r1,r2)) return true;
    return (subTree(r1.left,r2)||subTree(r1.right,r2));
boolean matchTree(TreeNode r1,TreeNode r2) {
    if(r2 == null && r1 == null)
        return true;
    if(r1 == null || r2 == null)
        return false;
    if( !=
        return false;
    return (matchTree(r1.left,r2.left)&&matchTree(r1.right,r2.right));

8.You are given a binary tree in which each node contains a value.Design an algorithm to print all paths which sum up to that value.Note that it can be any path in the tree it does not have to start at the root.



//copy from cracking the coding interview
void findSum(TreeNode head,int sum,ArrayList<Integer> buffer,int level) {
    if(head == null) return;
    int tmp = sum;
    for(int i = level;i > -1;i--) {
       tmp -= buffer.get(i);
       if(tmp == 0) print(buffer,i,level);
    ArrayList<Integer> c1 = (ArrayList<Integer>) buffer.clone();
    ArrayList<Integer> c2 = (ArrayList<Integer>) buffer.clone();
void print(ArrayList<Integer> buffer,int level,int i2) {
    for(int i = level;i <= i2;i++) {
上一篇:谷歌地图实现车辆轨迹移动播放(google map api)
