c++ 11 游记 之 decltype constexpr

title: c++ 11 游记 1

keyword :c++ 11 decltype constexpr

作者:titer1 zhangyu



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c++ 11 游记 1(decltype constexpr)

一. 结缘 decltype



#include <iostream>

struct A {
double x;
const A* a = new A(); decltype( a->x ) x3; // type of x3 is double (declared type)
decltype((a->x)) x4 = x3; // type of x4 is const double& (lvalue expression) template <class T, class U>
auto add(T t, U u) -> decltype(t + u); // return type depends on template parameters int main()
int i = 33;
decltype(i) j = i*2; std::cout << "i = " << i << ", "
<< "j = " << j << '\n'; auto f = [](int a, int b) -> int {
return a*b;
}; decltype(f) f2{f}; // the type of a lambda function is unique and unnamed
i = f(2, 2);
j = f2(3, 3); std::cout << "i = " << i << ", "
<< "j = " << j << '\n';



- 初步掌握四种情形,具体看代码

- 函数后置的返回类型

- 变量(无括号的)申明

- 变量(有括号的)申明

- 和Lamda表达式相关


- 须要注意的是。假设一个对象的名称加上括号,它成为左值表达式

c++ 11 游记 之 decltype constexpr

  • 他还是lamda表达式的好基友喔。

    decltype is useful when declaring types that are difficult or impossible to declare using standard notation, like lambda-related types or types that depend on template parameters.


If expression is a function call which returns a prvalue of class type or is a comma expression whose right operand is such a function call, a temporary object is not introduced for that prvalue. The class type need not be complete or have an available destructor. This rule doesn’t apply to sub-expressions:in decltype(f(g())), g() must have a complete type, but f() need not.



c++ 11 游记 之 decltype constexpr

二. constexpr

  • 首先了解字面值 LiteralType,经常使用语字符串

  • 能够在编译时期被动地计算表达式的值

  • constexpr 将编译期常量概念延伸至括用户自己定义常量以及常量函数,其值的不可改动性由编译器保证。因而constexpr 表达式是一般化的。受保证的常量表达式

    比const 前置修饰的函数 的能力 更广

code from csdn

    enum Flags { good=0, fail=1, bad=2, eof=4 };

    constexpr int operator|(Flags f1, Flags f2)
{ return Flags(int(f1)|int(f2)); } void f(Flags x)
switch (x) {
case bad: /* … */ break;
case eof: /* … */ break;
case bad|eof: /* … */ break;
default: /* … */ break;
} constexpr int x1 = bad|eof; // ok void f(Flags f3)
// 错误:由于f3不是常量,所以无法在编译时期计算这个表达式的结果值
constexpr int x2 = bad|f3;
int x3 = bad|f3; // ok。能够在执行时计算

code from cpp.com

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // The C++11 constexpr functions use recursion rather than iteration
// (C++14 constexpr functions may use local variables and loops)
constexpr int factorial(int n)
return n <= 1 ? 1 : (n * factorial(n-1));
} // literal class
class conststr {
const char * p;
std::size_t sz;
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr conststr(const char(&a)[N]) : p(a), sz(N-1) {}
// constexpr functions signal errors by throwing exceptions
// in C++11, they must do so from the conditional operator ?:
constexpr char operator[](std::size_t n) const {
return n < sz ? p[n] : throw std::out_of_range("");
constexpr std::size_t size() const { return sz; }
}; // C++11 constexpr functions had to put everything in a single return statement
// (C++14 doesn't have that requirement)
constexpr std::size_t countlower(conststr s, std::size_t n = 0,
std::size_t c = 0) {
return n == s.size() ? c :
s[n] >= 'a' && s[n] <= 'z' ? countlower(s, n+1, c+1) :
countlower(s, n+1, c);
} // output function that requires a compile-time constant, for testing
template<int n> struct constN {
constN() { std::cout << n << '\n'; }
}; int main()
std::cout << "4! = " ;
constN<factorial(4)> out1; // computed at compile time volatile int k = 8; // disallow optimization using volatile
std::cout << k << "! = " << factorial(k) << '\n'; // computed at run time std::cout << "Number of lowercase letters in \"Hello, world!\" is ";
constN<countlower("Hello, world!")> out2; // implicitly converted to conststr


  • 迭代函数的值 在编译期间计算得到!!


  • 还有就是下图,具体例如以下:

    c++ 11 游记 之 decltype constexpr


scott meyer 讲cpp11

C++11 FAQ中文版:常量表达式(constexpr)

cpp 我觉得最好资料之中的一个


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