
★3.1Netcraft :子域名查询

★Kali信息收集~3.子域名系列 官网:http://searchdns.netcraft.com/



3.2Fierce :子域名查询

  • 概述:

    fierce 是使用多种技术来扫描目标主机IP地址和主机名的一个DNS服务器枚举工具。运用递归的方式来工作。它的工作原理是先通过查询本地DNS服务器来查找目标DNS服务器,然后使用目标DNS服务器来查找子域名。fierce的主要特点就是可以用来定位独立IP空间对应域名和主机名。

  • 参数:

    root@Kali:/home/dnt# fierce -h

    fierce.pl (C) Copywrite 2006,2007 - By RSnake at http://ha.ckers.org/fierce/

    Usage: perl fierce.pl [-dns example.com] [OPTIONS]


    Fierce is a semi-lightweight scanner that helps locate non-contiguous

    IP space and hostnames against specified domains. It's really meant

    as a pre-cursor to nmap, unicornscan, nessus, nikto, etc, since all

    of those require that you already know what IP space you are looking

    for. This does not perform exploitation and does not scan the whole

    internet indiscriminately. It is meant specifically to locate likely

    targets both inside and outside a corporate network. Because it uses

    DNS primarily you will often find mis-configured networks that leak

    internal address space. That's especially useful in targeted malware.


    -connect        Attempt to make http connections to any non RFC1918

    (public) addresses. This will output the return headers but

    be warned, this could take a long time against a company with

    many targets, depending on network/machine lag. I wouldn't

    recommend doing this unless it's a small company or you have a

    lot of free time on your hands (could take hours-days).

    Inside the file specified the text "Host:\n" will be replaced

    by the host specified. Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -dns example.com -connect headers.txt

    -delay                The number of seconds to wait between lookups.

    -dns                The domain you would like scanned.

    -dnsfile         Use DNS servers provided by a file (one per line) for

    reverse lookups (brute force).

    -dnsserver        Use a particular DNS server for reverse lookups

    (probably should be the DNS server of the target). Fierce

    uses your DNS server for the initial SOA query and then uses

    the target's DNS server for all additional queries by default.

    -file                A file you would like to output to be logged to.

    -fulloutput        When combined with -connect this will output everything

    the webserver sends back, not just the HTTP headers.

    -help                This screen.

    -nopattern        Don't use a search pattern when looking for nearby

    hosts. Instead dump everything. This is really noisy but

    is useful for finding other domains that spammers might be

    using. It will also give you lots of false positives,

    especially on large domains.

    -range                Scan an internal IP range (must be combined with

    -dnsserver). Note, that this does not support a pattern

    and will simply output anything it finds. Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -range 111.222.333.0-255 -dnsserver ns1.example.co

    -search                Search list. When fierce attempts to traverse up and

    down ipspace it may encounter other servers within other

    domains that may belong to the same company. If you supply a

    comma delimited list to fierce it will report anything found.

    This is especially useful if the corporate servers are named

    different from the public facing website. Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -dns examplecompany.com -search corpcompany,blahcompany

    Note that using search could also greatly expand the number of

    hosts found, as it will continue to traverse once it locates

    servers that you specified in your search list. The more the


    -suppress        Suppress all TTY output (when combined with -file).

    -tcptimeout        Specify a different timeout (default 10 seconds). You

    may want to increase this if the DNS server you are querying

    is slow or has a lot of network lag.

    -threads Specify how many threads to use while scanning (default

    is single threaded).

    -traverse        Specify a number of IPs above and below whatever IP you

    have found to look for nearby IPs. Default is 5 above and

    below. Traverse will not move into other C blocks.

    -version        Output the version number.

    -wide                Scan the entire class C after finding any matching

    hostnames in that class C. This generates a lot more traffic

    but can uncover a lot more information.

    -wordlist        Use a seperate wordlist (one word per line). Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -dns examplecompany.com -wordlist dictionary.txt

  • 实例:threads 是线程数,可以自己指定

    ★Kali信息收集~3.子域名系列 root@Kali:/home/dnt# fierce -dns cnblogs.com -threads 100

    Trying zone transfer first...

    Unsuccessful in zone transfer (it was worth a shot)

    Okay, trying the good old fashioned way... brute force

    Checking for wildcard DNS...

    ** Found 99901599299.cnblogs.com at

    ** High probability of wildcard DNS.

    Now performing 2280 test(s)...        files.cnblogs.com        images.cnblogs.com        group.cnblogs.com        home.cnblogs.com        download.cnblogs.com        cdn.cnblogs.com        mail.cnblogs.com        downloads.cnblogs.com        news.cnblogs.com        ad.cnblogs.com        p.cnblogs.com


