12月13日 什么是help_method,session的简单理解, find_by等finder method


Declare a controller method as a helper. For example,

helper_method :link_to

def link_to(name, options) … end

makes the link_to controller method available in the view.

课程遇到的如current_cart,current_user. 声明后,就可以在view里面使用这个method了。

finder method

find_by: 属于ActiveRecord提供的finder methods 之一。通过传递argument来在database中查找。

The find_by method finds the first record matching some conditions.

find_by!: 和find_by一样,但nill的话,会报错!ActiveRecord::RecordNoFound

find_by_id: find_by_id(params[:id]) ,估计这个用法不再使用了。

http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html   有22以上中finder methods可用。

(Finder methods that return a collection,such as where and group, return an instance of ActiveRecord::Relation. Methods that find a single entity实体,such as find and first, return a single instance of the model)

session[]: 见http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview.html



关键翻译:Session are lazily loaded. If youdon't access sessions in your action's code,they will not be loaded.Hence you will never to disable sessions, just not accessing them will do the job.


Session Guidlines

1.Do not store large objects in a session.Instead store them in the database and save their id in the session.

2.critical data should not be stored in session.

Session Storage

Rails provides several storage mechanisms(运行机制) for the session hashes. The most important is ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore


retiever(a dog that to find and bring back sth for its master) ;retieve( to find sth and bring it back)

什么是cookiestore:在client-side储存session hash,sever-side可以通过session-id来快速的调用数据,这样有不安全的可能。client可以看到session的内容,Rails4开始使用加密算法 cookie(secrets.secret_key_base)

Replay Attacks for cookiestore sessions :(一种攻击方法。)

解决办法:使用a nonce(a random value)放置在session中,每个nonce只能用一次 。最好的办法还是不要存敏感信心如credit在session中,只在session中保留登陆user_id。

Session Fixation:(一种攻击方法。)


Countermeasure: (应对措施) reset_session使用的Devise gem就有这个代码功能.


Session Expiry:(session到期结束,一个安全方法。)

通过在服务器端设定session的 到期time_stamp 时间。

1.登陆多久后重置session. 但如果attacker在允许的登陆时间内反复登陆可以避开这个办法,所以需要用到下面的2.


delete_all "updated_at < '#{time.ago.to_s(:db)}' OR
  created_at < '#{2.days.ago.to_s(:db)}'"

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