
使用Visage编写JavaFX 2.0的代码与使用JavaFX Script编写代码基本相同吗?

我对学习Visage很感兴趣,因为有人告诉我它与JavaFX 1.3脚本语言相同,因此它基本上等同于能够用JavaFX Script编写JavaFX 2.0应用程序.

这完全正确吗?例如,如果我要买一本有关JavaFX Script在2.0之前发布的最新版本的书,那本书对学习Visage有用吗?



我遇到的最好的答案来自Apress的《 Pro JavaFX 2.0》一书,这是针对使用Java技术的富客户的权威指南.它包含一个很大的部分,专门介绍Visage.它说:

Visage is an exception, inasmuch as it was originally conceived by Christopher Oliver as a UI language called F3 for Form Follows Function, specifically targeted at making it easier to program graphic user interfaces. It was renamed JavaFX Script and served as the UI programming language for all JavaFx applications prior to the release of javafx 2.0. Currently, it is being developed as an independent UI programming language called Visage, available as open-source, and can be used with JavaFX and other UI toolkits.”
— page 465, Chapter 10

有趣的是……我认为这与JavaFX Script类似但不相同,如果您具有FX Script知识,则应该不难选择.

顺便说一下,这本书是有关JavaFX 2.0的绝佳资源.我强烈推荐它.

