《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记

《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记

Segmentation map

《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记

Focus from global density

《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记

|Pj;i| 代表块j区域内的标记数

Non-uniform kernel estimation

《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记


l2 对噪声(异常点)敏感所以采用了l1+l2
《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记
《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记


《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记

Ablady study
《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记
《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记
《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记
《Counting with Focus for Free》密集人群检测论文笔记

上一篇:645. Set Mismatch

下一篇:[codechef] Counting D-sets(容斥原理)