[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

  • PWA: Add to home screen

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

  • Angular Universal Server side rendering: for achieving better proference on init loading

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

  • Angular 2 CLI
    • ng new myapp --mobile
  • sw-precache: with webpack:

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

  • sw-toolbox: run time caching

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

  • angular2 material design:

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

  • *shellRender and *shellNoRender

[PWA] Keynote: Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks

*shellRender: Work as App Shell, happen before Angular 2 Component get rendered

*shellNoRender: Angular2 Component take place


上一篇:PWA 学习笔记(四)

下一篇:IdentityServer4之Client Credentials(客户端凭据许可)