执行root.sh报错:CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action

oracle 19c已经发布了快一年了,在AIX和Linux上面安装的次数也不少了,安装的方法也层出不穷,最常用的就是图形化了,可以避免静默安装发现不了的问题。今天帮助一位朋友安装oracle 19c rac,在执行root.sh的时候,报错了。下面就详细分析下:
执行root.sh报错:CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action
执行root.sh报错:CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action
查看mos,发现有篇文章和这种情况相似,只是版本不同:AIX: ROOT.SH FAILS WITH CLSRSC-196: ACFS DRIVER INSTALL ACTIONS FAILED (Doc ID 1929899.1)。
经询问,此平台为AIX,之前安装的12.2.0.2,安装19c没有机器,所以rm -rf $GRID_HOME,直接删除相关目录来进行卸载,没有使用正常的卸载命令。可能导致文件有残留,从而导致失败。按照mos的解决方案:
Manually remove the driver files as root user:

  1. Copy the following files from <12.1 GRID_HOME>/usm/install/cmds/bin to /usr/lib/methods/, overwriting the existing ones:

#cd <12.1 GRID_HOME>/usm/install/cmds/bin
#cp cfgacfsctl.bin cfgadvmctl.bin cfgadvmvol.bin defacfsctl.bin defadvmctl.bin ucfgacfsctl.bin ucfgadvmctl.bin ucfgadvmvol.bin udefacfsctl.bin udefadvmctl.bin /usr/lib/methods/

  1. Modify the following files: /usr/lib/methods/ucfgacfsctl, /usr/lib/methods/ucfgadvmctl, /usr/lib/methods/udefacfsctl, /usr/lib/methods/udefadvmctl, change "ORA_CRS_HOME=" from old 11.2 GRID_HOME to 12.1 GRID_HOME

  2. Run the following commands to complete deinstallation of old ACFS version:

#/usr/lib/methods/ucfgacfsctl -l ofsctl (Continue if error states "failed to look up ODM CuDv object class" or "device is already unconfigured")
#/usr/lib/methods/ucfgadvmctl -l advmctl (Continue if error states "failed to look up ODM CuDv object class" or "device is already unconfigured")
#/usr/lib/methods/udefacfsctl -l ofsctl (Continue if error states "failed to look up ODM CuDv object class")
#/usr/lib/methods/udefadvmctl -l advmctl (Continue if error states "failed to look up ODM CuDv object class")
#/usr/sbin/rmauth -h oracle
#rmrole oracle_devmgmt
#rm /usr/lib/drivers/oracle
#rm /usr/lib/methods/
advm /usr/lib/methods/acfs
#rm -rf /sbin/helpers/acfs
#rm /usr/sbin/acfsutil
#rm /sbin/acfsutil

执行root.sh报错:CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action
通过和第一张图片对比可知:libhasgen12.so. 这里显示的是缺少12的版本,应该是找以前安装过oracle 12c rac的残留版本。卸载的时候,libhasgen19.so 找的又19版本.所以这里可以以版本来区分。root.sh执行安装acfs的时候,调用到12c的版本了,但是12c的已经删除,所以报错找不到,应该是重新安装的时候找19的版本。
1、How to Add Node/Instance orRemove Node/Instance in 10gr2, 11gr1, 11gr2 and 12c Oracle Clusterware and RAC(文档 ID 1332451.1)

2、How to Remove/Delete a Node FromGrid Infrastructure Clusterware When the Node Has Failed (文档 ID 1262925.1)





上一篇:Oracle ACFS、ADVM

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