[刷题]算法竞赛入门经典(第2版) 5-13/UVa822 - Queue and A

题意:模拟客服MM,一共有N种话题,每个客服MM支持处理其中的i个(i < N),处理的话题还有优先级。为了简化流程方便出题,设每个话题都是每隔m分钟来咨询一次。现知道每个话题前来咨询的时间、间隔、处理此话题所需的时长与一共有多少次咨询。问多少时间后全部话题处理完成。


//UVa822 - Queue and A
//Accepted 0.010s
//#define _XIENAOBAN_
#define MI 2147483647
using namespace std; struct T {
int ti; //time for per task
queue<int> table;
} ttmp;
struct P {
int id, at, st, n, to[22];//identity, available time, start time of last task, number of topics, topics
bool operator< (const P& that) const {
if (st != that.st) return st < that.st;
return id < that.id;
} ptmp; int Tpc, Psnl;//Number of Topics & Personnel
int name, num, nt, to, Scenario(0); int main()
#ifdef _XIENAOBAN_
#define gets(T) gets_s(T, 80)
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
ptmp.at = 0;
while (scanf("%d", &Tpc) != EOF && Tpc != 0) {
int time(MI), needtime(0);
map<int, T> tpc;
for (int i(0);i < Tpc;++i) {
scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &name, &num, &nt, &ttmp.ti, &to);
if (time > nt) time = nt;
auto& now(tpc[name] = ttmp);
for (int i(0);i < num;++i)
now.table.push(nt), nt += to;
scanf("%d", &Psnl);
vector<P> psnl(Psnl);
for (int i(0);i < Psnl;++i) {
scanf("%d%d", &ptmp.id, &ptmp.n);
for (int j(0);j < ptmp.n;++j)
scanf("%d", ptmp.to + j);
psnl[i] = ptmp;
while (Tpc) {
int jumpt = MI;//Jump time to the earliest possible available time of all the men
sort(psnl.begin(), psnl.end());
for (auto& p : psnl) {//For all staff members
int pti(MI);//Man's earliest possible available time
if (p.at > time) pti = p.at;//Man is busy
else { //Man is available
for (int i(0);i < p.n;++i) {//For all topics that man can handle
auto& t(tpc[p.to[i]]);
if (t.table.empty()) continue; //Man find current topic finished
if (t.table.front() <= time) { //Man find his topic
pti = time + t.ti;
if (needtime < pti) needtime = pti;
p.st = time;
if (t.table.empty()) --Tpc;
else if (t.table.front() < pti) pti = t.table.front(); //Man find current topic will be available at t.table.front()
p.at = pti;
if (pti < jumpt) jumpt = pti;
time = jumpt;
printf("Scenario %d: All requests are serviced within %d minutes.\n", ++Scenario, needtime);
return 0;




  1. 若这人正在处理一个topic,则pti=处理完本topic的时间,这叫“开始空闲”;
  2. 若这人闲着,则给他找活干,若找到了可处理topic,pti=处理完这个topic的时间,也是“开始空闲”;
  3. 若这人闲着,但发现无活可干,每个他可以处理的topic都还没到来,那么他的pti=最快到来的下一个topic的时间,即只有topic来了他才可能“可能有事情做”。之所以是“可能”,因为每次都要按照“上一次开始干活的时间与ID”把每个人排序,所以他的活可能被抢,依然是“无事可干”状态。
  4. pti初始化时为int的最大值。只有当该员工的每个topic全都处理完的状态时,pti全程没有被赋值,于是该员工的下一个空闲时间变成无限大,一定程度上相当于以后的模拟运算就不考虑他了。




下一篇:Hashmat the brave warrior - UVa10055