【Leetcode】 - Single Number II

Problem Discription:

Suppose the array A has n items in which all of the numbers apear 3 times except one. Find the single number.

 int singleNumber2(int A[], int n) {
int ret = ;
ret ^= A[n];
return ret;

Related Problem:

Suppose the array A has n items in which all of the numbers apear twice except one. Find the single number.

Solution 1:

Suppose the required return value is ret. Each bit of ret is calculated by the respective bit of A[0:n-1].

    int singleNumber3(int A[], int n) {
int m=;
int ret = ;
ret = ret >> ;
ret &= 0x7fffffff;
int sum = ;
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
sum += A[i] & 0x00000001;
A[i] = A[i] >> ;
ret |= 0x80000000;
return ret;

Solution2: Solution1 needs 32*n passes of loop. Solution2 is found on the Internet, see http://blog.csdn.net/bigapplestar/article/details/12275381 . However the bit operation is confused. Therefore I write solution3, and try to explain it.

    public int singleNumber(int[] A) {
int once = 0;
int twice = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
twice |= once & A[i];
once ^= A[i];
int not_three = ~(once & twice);
once = not_three & once;
twice = not_three & twice;
return once;

My solution3 seems more easy-to-understand compared with solution2. Suppose the i-th bit of one, two, thr (onei, twoi, thri) is used to count how many bits in A[0-n-1]i is 1.

# onei twoi thr_i

1 1       0      0

2 0       1      0

3 0       0      0

4 1       0      0

5 0       1      0

6 0       0      0 ....

so we have:

if(A[i] == 1)

  if(one == 0) one = 1;

  else one = 0;

    if(two == 0) two = 1;

    else two = 0;

      if(thr == 0) thr = 1;

      else thr = 0;

  when thr=1, one=two=0;

So with the bit operation we have an easy-to-understand version as below:

int singleNumber3(int A[], int n) {
int one=, two=, thr=;
//thr ^= (one & two & A[n] );
two ^= one & A[n];
one ^= A[n];
thr = one & two;
one = (~thr) & one;
two = (~thr) & two;
//thr = (~thr) & thr;
   return one;

Hope this may help.


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