MC-设置 止盈

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using PowerLanguage.Function;
using ATCenterProxy.interop; namespace PowerLanguage.Strategy
public class ExampleTakeProfit : SignalObject
private IOrderMarket buyOrder, sellTimeStopOrder;
private IOrderPriced sellTPorder;
private double takeProfitPrice; [Input]
public int TakeProfitTicks { get; set; } public ExampleTakeProfit(object _ctx) : base(_ctx) { } protected override void Create()
buyOrder = OrderCreator.MarketNextBar(new SOrderParameters(
Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.Buy)); sellTPorder = OrderCreator.Limit(new SOrderParameters(
Contracts.Default, "TakeProfit", EOrderAction.Sell)); sellTimeStopOrder = OrderCreator.MarketNextBar(new SOrderParameters(
Contracts.Default, "TimeStop", EOrderAction.Sell)); TakeProfitTicks = ; // Default value
} protected override void StartCalc()
Output.Clear(); // Clear Editor Output tab
} protected override void CalcBar()
// When flat, enter a long position every fifth bar
if ((StrategyInfo.MarketPosition == ) && (Bars.CurrentBar % == ))
// Submit the order at the open of the bar
if (Bars.Status == EBarState.Open)
buyOrder.Send(); Output.WriteLine("{0} - Submitted buy order",
Bars.Time[].ToString("d-M HH:mm"));
} // Management of open long position
if (StrategyInfo.MarketPosition > )
// First, when the position is just opened,
// we need to calculate the take profit price
int barsInPosition = Bars.CurrentBar -
Positions[].OpenTrades[].EntryOrder.BarNumber; // When the position is just opened, calculate the take profit price
if (barsInPosition == )
takeProfitPrice = Positions[].OpenTrades[].EntryOrder.Price +
(TakeProfitTicks * (Bars.Info.MinMove / Bars.Info.PriceScale)); // Only output info to the Output log at the open
// of the bar (prevents cluttering the log)
if (Bars.Status == EBarState.Open)
Output.WriteLine("{0} - Take profit price: {1}",
Bars.Time[].ToString("d-M HH:mm"),
} // Submit take profit order as long as there is an open long position
sellTPorder.Send(takeProfitPrice); if (Bars.Status == EBarState.Close) // Prevents cluttering the output
Output.WriteLine("{0} - Sending limit order @ {1}",
Bars.Time[].ToString("d-M HH:mm"),
} // To prevent positions that are never closed, exit after more than 5 bars
if (barsInPosition > )
sellTimeStopOrder.Send(); if (Bars.Status == EBarState.Open) // Prevents cluttering the output
Output.WriteLine("{0} - Sending time stop order",
Bars.Time[].ToString("d-M HH:mm"));
