eclipse maven 报错Could not get the value for parameter encoding for plugin execution default


Could not get the value for parameter encoding for plugin execution default


      >>>> http://*.com/questions/25787197/error-shown-when-creating-new-maven-project-in-eclipse

01.  先关闭eclipse

02.  找到maven的本地仓库路径、例如(C:\Users\YourUserName.m2)

03.  删除文件夹:repository

04.  重新打开eclipse

05.  clean 有问题的maven项目、点击Project → clean...

06.  右键有问题的maven项目、依次点击Maven → Update Project...

07.  关闭eclipse

08.  打开eclipse

09.  在Project Explorer中选中有问题的project

10.  按F5键刷新一会

11.  大功告成



01.    Close Eclipse.

02.    Navigate to user home directory. (For example: "C:\Users\YourUserName.m2")

03.    Delete the "repository" folder.

04.    Re-open Eclipse.

05.    Click on the Maven project that has an issue and Go to "Project" --> "Clean".

06.    Right-click on the project and go to "Maven" --> "Update Project...".

07.    Close Eclipse.

08.    Open Eclipse.

09.    Click on the project folder in the "Project Explorer" window (usually on the left).

10.    Hit the "F5" key a few times to Refresh your project.

11.    Done!



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