PeopleSoft Home Subdirectories
- appserv — home to the Application Server and Process Scheduler Server; location of psadmin where you start, stop, and manage those servers
- bin — location of all the binary programs such as Application Designer (pside.exe), Data Mover (psdmtx.exe), and so on; also location of SQR (sqrw.exe)
- cblbina — location of compiled COBOL programs
- class — location of Java packages
- crw — location of Crystal Reports that will be run from online
- data — location of Data Mover Data files that have been or will be loaded into the database
- doc — location of Word documents used with the Process Scheduler
- excel — location of Execl documents such as the ExcelToCI utility
- maint — data mover scripts and such; typically associated with tax updates or bundles
- nvision — NVision reports
- PSEMAgent — home of the Enterprise Management Agent, which is the program that crawls the drive and reports installation information to the EMHub and also copies files to and from the home directory with the Hub
- PSEMViewer — home of a utility application for working with teh EMHub
- scripts — various data mover scripts typically associatedwith tax updates and bundles
- sdk — Software Developement Kits for writing external applications that interface with PeopleSoft such as Java and VB kits for accessing Component Interfaces
- sendmaster — an application for use with testing Integration Broker messaging
- setup — location of various installers such as the PIA installer and the Database installer that builds the PeopleSoft database in your RDBMS system
- sqr — location of the SQR reports
- src — location of various source code; COBOL source code is the most prominent
- tuxedo — home of the tuxedo application used by Application Designer, the Application Server, etc
- verity — home of the Verity Search Engine used by PeopleBooks and the Portal Menu search
- webserv — home of the PIA, which is the online web application that talks with the Application Server and sends the HTML to the browser for the application
- winword — location of Word documents used with Process Scheduler