linux gpio控制之sysfs接口


Platforms which use the "gpiolib" implementors framework may choose to configure a sysfs user interface to GPIOs.This is different from the debugfs interface, since it provides control over GPIO direction and value instead of just showing a gpio state summary. Plus, it could be present on production systems without debugging support.

Note that standard kernel drivers exist for common "LEDs and Buttons" GPIO tasks:  "leds-gpio" and "gpio_keys", respectively. Use those instead of talking directly to the GPIOs; they integrate with kernel frameworks better than your userspace code could.

1. 目录


2. 操作

) echo  > export
) 此时会产生一个gpio29 的目录.
) cd gpio29
) 关注以下几个文件:
direction 这个文件是控制你是输出还是输入模式
如果想设置为输入:echo in > direction
如果想设置为输出:echo out > direction
value 这个文件是在输出模式时,控制高低电平
高电平:echo > value
低电平:echo > value
edge 这个控制中断触发模式
无: echo none > edge
上升沿触发:echo rising > edge
下降沿触发:echo falling > edge
轮询:echo both > edge
active_low: 这个按照官方的说法是这个翻转电平,输入非零的数即上升沿变为下降沿。
o: echo > active_low
非零的数: echo > active_low
cd /sys/class/gpio/
echo > unexport




上一篇:[原] XAF 如何将数据库中Byte array图片显示出来
