转换 Byte 数组到 ... - 回复 "高群" 的问题
问题来源: http://www.cnblogs.com/del/archive/2009/03/21/1410030.html#1483614
{转换 TBytes 到 Integer} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var bs: TBytes; {TBytes 就是 Byte 的动态数组} i: Integer; begin {它应该和 Integer 一样大小才适合转换} SetLength(bs, 4); bs[0] := $10; bs[1] := $27; bs[2] := 0; bs[3] := 0; {因为 TBytes 是动态数组, 所以它的变量 bs 是个指针; 所以先转换到 PInteger} i := PInteger(bs)^; ShowMessage(IntToStr(i)); {10000} end; {从 Bytes 静态数组到 Integer 的转换会方便些} procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var bs: array[0..3] of Byte; i: Integer; begin bs[0] := $10; bs[1] := $27; bs[2] := 0; bs[3] := 0; i := Integer(bs); ShowMessage(IntToStr(i)); {10000} end; {转换到自定义的结构} procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); type TData = packed record a: Integer; b: Word; end; var bs: array[0..5] of Byte; {这个数组应该和结构大小一直} data: TData; begin FillChar(bs, Length(bs), 0); bs[0] := $10; bs[1] := $27; data := TData(bs); ShowMessage(IntToStr(data.a)); {10000} end; {转换给自定义结构的一个成员} procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); type TData = packed record a: Integer; b: Word; end; var bs: array[0..3] of Byte; data: TData; begin FillChar(bs, Length(bs), 0); bs[0] := $10; bs[1] := $27; data.a := Integer(bs); ShowMessage(IntToStr(data.a)); {10000} end;posted on 2009-03-21 22:16 万一 阅读(5107) 评论(23) 编辑 收藏