1. tuned调优方式隔核
1.1. 首先查看当前调优方式
# tuned-adm active
Current active profile: realtime-virtual-host
1.2. tuned查看可用的调优方式
# tuned-adm profile
Available profiles:
- balanced - General non-specialized tuned profile
- desktop - Optimize for the desktop use-case
- latency-performance - Optimize for deterministic performance at the cost of increased po
wer consumption- network-latency - Optimize for deterministic performance at the cost of increased po
wer consumption, focused on low latency network performance- network-throughput - Optimize for streaming network throughput, generally only necessar
y on older CPUs or 40G+ networks- powersave - Optimize for low power consumption
- realtime - Optimize for realtime workloads
- realtime-virtual-guest - Optimize for realtime workloads running within a KVM guest
- realtime-virtual-host - Optimize for KVM guests running realtime workloads
- throughput-performance - Broadly applicable tuning that provides excellent performance acro
ss a variety of common server workloads- virtual-guest - Optimize for running inside a virtual guest
- virtual-host - Optimize for running KVM guests
Current active profile: realtime-virtual-host
1.3. 查看系统存在调优方式的配置文件
# ls /etc/tuned/
active_profile profile_mode realtime-virtual-guest-variables.conf recommend.d
bootcmdline realtime-variables.conf realtime-virtual-host-variables.conf tuned-main.conf
1.4. 修改tuned 某一种调优方式的配置文件profile
# vim realtime-virtual-host-variables.conf
1 # Examples:
2 # isolated_cores=2,4-7
3 # isolated_cores=2-23
4 #
5 isolated_cores=0
1.5. tuned 生效一种调优方式
tuned-adm profile realtime-virtual-host
1.6. 重启生效配置
2. 修改grub配置文件
vim /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=centos/root rd.lvm.lv=centos/swap no_timer_check clocksource=tsc tsc=perfect intel_pstate=disable selinux=0 enforcing=0 nmi_watchdog=0 softlockup_panic=0 isolcpus=1-39 nohz_full=0-39 idle=poll default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=16 rcu_nocbs=1-39 kthread_cpus=0 irqaffinity=0 rcu_nocb_poll rhgb quiet"
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
3. 查看隔核情况
$ more /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.10.0-1062.el7.x86_64 root=/dev/mapper/centos-root ro crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=centos/root r
d.lvm.lv=centos/swap rhgb quiet skew_tick=1 isolcpus=2-3 intel_pstate=disable nosoftlockup