Oracle 创建数据表以及对数据表、字段、主外键、约束的操作


  • 最少性
  • 尽量选择使用单个键作为主键
  • 稳定性
  • 尽量选择数值更新少的列作为主键


create table Student(
SID number(2) constraint PK_SID primary key,--指定该列为主键列,并指定主键名为PK_SID
SName varchar2(16) not null
) --创建数据表Class
create table Class(
CID number(2) constraint PK_CID primary key,--指定该列为主键列,并指定主键名为PK_CID
CName varchar2(16) not null


alter table Student rename to Stu;
drop table Student;


alter table Student add (SGender char(2));
alter table Student add (SCID number(2));
alter table Student drop column SGender;
alter table Student rename column SID to StuID;
alter table Student modify SID number(2);


alter table Student add constraint ch_gender check(SGender='男' or SGender='女');
alter table Student drop constraint ch_gender;


select * from user_cons_columns where table_name='STUDENT';
alter table Student add constraint PK_Name primary key(SName);
alter table Student drop constraint PK_Name;
alter table Student rename constraint PK_StuID to PK_SID;
alter table Student disable primary key;
alter table Student enable primary key;


select owner,constraint_name from user_constraints where constraint_type='R'--P 主键 R 外键
alter table Student add constraint FK_SCID foreign key(SCID) references Class(CID)
alter table Student drop constraint FK_SCID
alter table Student rename constraint FK_SClassID to FK_SCID
alter table Student disable constraint FK_SCID
alter table Student enable constraint FK_SCID
上一篇:吴裕雄--天生自然MySQL学习笔记:MySQL 删除数据表
