C#-将Firefox / Gecko作为控件嵌入到.Net(forms / wpf)入门中的一般入门问题

我正在考虑不再使用IE和.NET应用程序的webbrowser控件. C#或VB.NET.


>我在上面提供的链接上的GeckoFX是45版,这是否意味着它使用45版的Firefox Gecko?这意味着它比当前的Firefox版本稍微落后一点(我的Firefox显示52)?


My understanding is that I first need GeckoFX. Is this just one person who has ported Firefox’s Gecko (the layout engine) to be able to used by .NET or is this something official or more or less official?


My next understanding is that I need xulRunner which is the runtime and that I always need to match GeckoFX version with xulRunner?


If GeckoFX is currently at version 45 where is the matching xulRunner for this?

The project site具有在哪里获取xulrunner的指令和指针.

If the operating system already has Firefox installed are there any shortcuts to 1 and 2? Or do I need to always download, develop and deploy everything from GeckoFX and xulRunner each time it is updated?


Can I use the users’ Firefox profile with my embedded control? In particular I need to use the PKI certificates for certain websites and I cannot simply ignore them. Or do I need to copy the cert8.db from their profile to use it with my embedded control?

对不起,我不知道.您可以尝试拨打the BitBucket project site.

GeckoFX at the link i provided above is at version 45, does this mean that it uses the Firefox Gecko from version 45? This means it is a little bit behind the current firefox version (my Firefox shows 52)?


If the user updates Firefox does this effect my embedded control at all?


