Kotlin Lazy延迟初始化

一、by Lazy 延迟初始化是线程安全吗?


 * Specifies how a [Lazy] instance synchronizes initialization among multiple threads.
public enum class LazyThreadSafetyMode {

     * Locks are used to ensure that only a single thread can initialize the [Lazy] instance.

     * Initializer function can be called several times on concurrent access to uninitialized [Lazy] instance value,
     * but only the first returned value will be used as the value of [Lazy] instance.

     * No locks are used to synchronize an access to the [Lazy] instance value; if the instance is accessed from multiple threads, its behavior is undefined.
     * This mode should not be used unless the [Lazy] instance is guaranteed never to be initialized from more than one thread.



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