Examples of Instructions on DLX
To understand these tables we need to introduce notations of the description language.
A subscript is appended to the symbol <- whenever the length of the datum being tranferred might not be clear. Thus, <- n mean transfer an n -bit quantity.
A subscript is used to indicate selection of a bit from a field. Bits are labeled from the most-significant bit starting at 0. The subscript may be a single digit (e.g. Regs[R4] 0 yields the sign bit of R4) or a subrange (e.g. Regs[R3] 24..31 yields the least-significant byte of R3).
The variable Mem, used as an array that stands for main memory, is indexed by a byte address and may transfer any number of bytes.
A superscript is used to replicate a fields (e.g. 0 24 yields a fiels of zeros of length 24 bits).
The symbol ## is used to concatenate two fields and may appear on either side of a data transfer.
Example instruction | Instruction name | Meaning |
ADD R1, R2, R3 | Add | Regs[R1] <- Regs[R2]+Regs[R3] |
ADDI R1, R2, #3 | Add immediate | Regs[R1] <- Regs[R2] + 3 |
LHI R1, #42 | Load high immediate | Regs[R1] <- 42##016 |
SLLI R1, R2, #5 | Shift left logical immediate | Regs[R1] <- Regs[R2] << 5 |
SLT R1, R2, R3 | Set less than | if (Regs[R2]<Regs[R3]) Regs[R1] <- 1 else Regs[R1] <- 0 |
Example instruction | Instruction name | Meaning |
LW R1,30(R2) | Load word | Regs[R1] <-32Mem[30+Regs[R2]] |
LW R1,1000(R0) | Load word | Regs[R1] <-32Mem[1000+0] ; Register R0 always contains 0 |
LB R1,40(R3) | Load byte | Regs[R1] <-32(Mem[40+Regs[R3]]0)24##Mem[40+Regs[R3]] |
LBU R1,40(R3) | Load byte unsigned | Regs[R1] <-32024 ## Mem[40+Regs[R3]] |
LH R1,40(R3) | Load half word | Regs[R1] <-32(Mem[40+Regs[R3]]0)16 ## Mem[40+Regs[R3]] ## Mem[41+Regs[R3]] |
LF F0,50(R3) | Load float | Regs[F0] <-32Mem[50+Regs[R3]] |
LD FO,50(R2) | Load double | Regs[F0] ##Regs[F1]<-64Mem[50+Regs[R2]] |
SW 500(R4),R3 | Store word | Mem[500+Regs[R4]] <-32Regs[R3] |
SF 40(R3),F0 | Store float | Mem[40+Regs[R3]] <-32Regs[F0] |
SD 40(Re),F0 | Store double | Mem[40+Regs[R3]] <-32Regs[F0]; Mem[44+Regs[R3]] <-32Regs[F1] |
SH 502(R2),R3 | Store half | Mem[502+Regs[R2]] <-16Regs[R3]16..31 |
SB 41(R3),R2 | Store byte | Mem[41+Regs[R3]] <-8Regs[R2]24..31 |
Example instruction | Instruction name | Meaning |
J name | Jump | PC<-name; ((PC+4)-225) <= name< ((PC+4)+225) |
JAL name | Jump and link | R31<-PC+4; PC<-name; ((PC+4)-225)<=name<((PC+4)+225) |
JALR R2 | Jump and link register | Regs[R31]<-PC+4; PC , Regs[R2] |
JR R3 | Jump register | PC <- Regs[R3] |
BEQZ R4, name | Branch equal zero | if (Regs[R4]==0) PC<-name; ((PC+4)-215)<=name<((PC+4)+215) |
BNEZ R4, name | Branch not equal zero | if (Regs[R4]!=0) PC<-name; ((PC+4)-215)<=name<((PC+4)+215) |