
library ieee ;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ;

entity I2C_Control is

port (

CLKI      :IN     Std_logic ;

RST    :IN     Std_logic ;

Slave_add  :in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

addr   :in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

wr_rd   :IN     Std_logic ;

DAT1   :in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

Delay_Time  :in  integer range 0 to 255;

A    :buffer std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

WP    :buffer std_logic;

SCL    :buffer std_logic;

SDA    :buffer std_logic

) ;

end I2C_Control ;

architecture Arch of I2C_Control is

type state1 is (Idle,Idle1, I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8,I9,I10,Iok);

signal current_state,next_state : state1;

signal I2C_Sent  :std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);


I2C_Sent <= Slave_add & A & wr_rd &'0'& addr &'0'& DAT1&'0' ;



if RST = '1' then

current_state <= Idle;

elsif clki'event and clki = '0' then

current_state <= next_state;

end if;

end process;


variable i            :integer range 0 to 63;

variable cnt          :integer range 0 to 1023;


if clki'event and clki = '1' then


case current_state is

when Idle =>

SCL <= '1'; SDA <= '1';

WP <= '1';

next_state <= Idle1;

when Idle1 =>

SCL <= '1'; SDA <= '1';

WP <= '0';

next_state <= I1;

when I1   =>

SDA <= '0';

next_state <= I2;

when I2   =>

SCL <= '0';

i :=26;

next_state <= I3;

when I3   =>

SCL <= '0';

SDA <= I2C_Sent(i);

next_state <= I4;

when I4   =>

SCL <= '1';

next_state <= I5;

when I5   =>

if i= 0 then

next_state <= I6;


i := i-1;

next_state <= I3;

end if;

when I6   =>

SCL <= '0';

next_state <= I7;

when I7   =>

SCL<= '1';

next_state <= I8;

when I8   =>

SDA <= '1';

next_state <= I9;

when I9   =>

WP<= '1';  --1

next_state <= I10;

WHEN I10 =>

if cnt = Delay_Time then

cnt := 0;

next_state <= Idle;


cnt := cnt +1;

end if;

when Iok  =>

SCL <='1';

SDA <= '1';

next_state <= Iok;

when others =>

next_state <= Iok;

end case;

end if;

end process;

end Arch;

上一篇:adb shell 查找并删除文件

下一篇:并行编译加快 VS C++ 项目的编译速度