
Bayeux 协议-- Bayeux 1.0草案1


This document specifies a protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvement. This memo is written in the style and spirit of an IETF RFC but is not, as of yet, an official IETF RFC. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. This memo is written in UK English.

这份文档为互联网社区详细描述了一个协议,请求讨论并提出改进建议。此备忘录以 IETF RFC 风格写作,但是它不是、也还没有成为官方IETF RFC。此备忘录使用英式英文,对分发无限制。


版权所有Dojo基金会 (2007). 保留所有权利


Bayeux is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages (primarily over HTTP), with low latency between a web server.



1. 介绍

1.1. 目的

1.2. 需求

1.3. 术语

1.4. 总体运作

1.4.1. HTTP

1.4.2. 非 HTTP 传输

1.4.3. Javascript

1.4.4. 客户端至服务端事件分发

1.4.5. 服务端至客户端事件分发

1.4.5.i 轮询传输

1.4.5.ii 流传输

1.4.6. 双连接运作

1.4.7. 连接协商

1.4.8. 不连接运作

1.5 状态表

1.5.1 客户端状态

2. 协议涵义

2.1. 基本组件


2.2.1 通道通配符

2.2.2 Meta通道

2.2.3 Service通道

2.3. 版本

2.4. 客户端ID

2.5 消息

3. 消息字段定义

3.1. channel

3.2. version

3.3. minimumVersion

3.4. supportedConnectionTypes

3.5. clientId

3.6. advice

3.6.1. reconnect advice

3.6.2. interval advice

3.6.3. multiple-clients advice

3.6.4. hosts advice

3.7. connectionType

3.8. id

3.9. timestamp

3.10. data

3.11. connectionId

3.12. successful

3.13. subscription

3.14. error

3.15. ext

3.16. json-comment-filtered

4. Meta 消息定义

4.1. 握手

4.1.1. 握手请求

4.1.2. 握手响应

4.2. 连接

4.2.1. 连接请求

4.2.2. 连接响应

4.4. 断开

4.4.1. 断开请求

4.4.2. 断开响应

4.5. 订阅

4.5.1. 订阅请求

4.5.2. 订阅响应

4.6. 取消订阅

4.6.1. 取消订阅请求

4.6.2. 取消订阅响应

5. 事件消息定义

5.1. 发布事件消息

5.1.1. 发布请求

5.1.2. 发布响应

5.2. 分发事件消息

6. 传输

6.1. long-polling

6.1.1 long-polling 请求消息

6.1.2 long-polling 响应消息

6.2. callback-polling

6.2.1 callback-polling 请求消息

6.2.2 callback-polling 响应消息

7. 安全


7.2. Ajax 劫持

8. 多frame 运作

8.1 服务端多frame侦测

8.2 客户端多frame侦测

9. service 通道的请求响应运作

1. 介绍

1.1. 目的

The primary purpose of Bayeux is to support responsive 2 way interactions between web clients using Ajax and the web server.


Bayeux is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages (primarily over HTTP), with low latency between a web server and a web browser. The messages are routed via named channels and can be delivered: server to client, client to server and client to client (via the server). By default, publish subscribe routing semantics are applied to the channels, but other routing models are also supported.


Delivery of asynchronous messages from the server to a web client is often described as "server-push". The combination of server push techniques with an Ajax web application has been called "comet". Cometd is a project by the Dojo Foundation to provide multiple implementation of the Bayeux project in several programming languages.

服务器至web客户端的异步消息分发常被称之为“server-push”。web应用中混合Ajax和server push的技术被称为“comet”。 Cometd是Dojo基金会的一个项目,它提供Bayeux项目在不同编程语言中的多个实现。

Bayeux seeks to reduce the complexity of developing Comet-driven applications by allowing implementers to more easily interoperate, solve common message distribution and routing problems, and provide mechanisms for incremental improvement and extension.

Bayeux致力于减少开发 Comet驱动应用的复杂性,允许实现者更容易的交互,解决通用消息分发和路由问题,同时也提供可持续改进和扩展的机制。

1.2. 需求

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119. An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more of the MUST or REQUIRED level requirements for the protocols it implements. An implementation that satisfies all the MUST or REQUIRED level and all the SHOULD level requirements for its protocols is said to be "unconditionally compliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST level requirements but not all the SHOULD level requirements for its protocols is said to be "conditionally compliant."

这份文档中,关键词“必须”、“禁止”、“需要的”、“必须”、“必须不”、“应该”、“不应该”、“推荐的”、“可能”、“可选的”要按照 RFC2119中所描述的来理解。如果一个本协议的实现,没有满足一个或多个“必须”或“需要的”级别的需求,那它就是不兼容的。如果一个本协议的实现,满足了所有“必须”或“需要的”级别的需求和所有“应该”级别的需求,那它就是“完全兼容”;一个满足“必须”级别的需求但并非满足所有“应该”级别的需求的协议实现,就是“部分兼容”。

1.3. 术语

This specification uses a number of terms to refer to the roles played by participants in, and objects of, Bayeux communication:



A program that initiates communications. A HTTP client is a client that initiates TCP/IP connections for the purpose of sending HTTP requests. A Bayeux client initiates the Bayeux message exchange and will typically execute within a HTTP client, but it is likely to have Bayeux clients that execute within HTTP servers. Implementations may distinguish between Bayeux clients running within a HTTP client and Bayeux clients running within the HTTP server. Specifically server-side Bayeux clients MAY be privileged clients with access to private information about other clients (e.g. client IDs) and subscriptions.


初始化通信的程序。初始化TCP/IP连接以发送HTTP请求的HTTP客户端就是一个客户端。一个Bayeux客户端初始化Bayeux消息交换,并且通常会在HTTP客户端中执行,但是也可能在HTTP服务端中执行。运行于HTTP客户端的Bayeux客户端和运行于HTTP服务端中的Bayxue客户端,实现会有区别。具体来说,服务器端的Bayeux客户端可能更优先的访问其他客户端的私有信息(比如它们的client ID)和订阅。


An application program that accepts communications from clients. A HTTP server accepts TCP/IP connections in order to service HTTP requests by sending back HTTP responses. A Bayeux server accepts and responds to the message exchanges initiated by a Bayeux client.


An HTTP request message as defined by section 5 of RFC 2616 
RFC2616 第5章节所定义的HTTP请求消息

 A HTTP response message as defined by section 6 of RFC 2616 
RFC2616 第6章节所定义的HTTP响应消息

A message is a JSON object exchanged between client and server for the purposed of implementing the Bayeux protocol as defined by sections 3, 4 and 5. 

Application specific data that is sent over the Bayeux protocol 

The transport specific message formate that wraps a standard Bayeux message. 

1.4. 总体运作

1.4.1. HTTP

The HTTP protocol is a request/response protocol. A client sends a request to the server in the form of a request method, URI, and protocol version, followed by a MIME-like message containing request modifiers, client information, and optional body content over a connection with a server. The server responds with a status line, including the message's protocol version and a success or error code, followed by a MIME-like message containing server information, entity metainformation, and possible entity-body content.


The server may not initiate a connection with a client nor send an unrequested response to the client, thus asynchronous events cannot be delivered from server to client unless a previously issued request exists. In order to allow two way asynchronous communication, Bayeux supports the use of multiple HTTP connections between a client and server, so that previously issued requests are available to transport server to client messages.


The recommendation of section 8.1.4 of RFC 2616 is that a single user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connection with any server, thus the Bayeux protocol MUST NOT require any more than two HTTP requests to be simultaneously handled by a server in order to handle all application (Bayeux based or otherwise) running within a client.


1.4.2. 非HTTP传输

While HTTP is the predominant transport protocol used on the internet, it is not intended that it will be the only transport for Bayeux. Other transports that support a request/response paradigm may be used. However this document assumes HTTP for reasons of clarity. When non-HTTP connection-level transport mechanisms are employed, conforming Bayeux servers and clients MUST still conform to the semantics of the JSON messages outlined in this document.


Several of the "transport types" described in this document are distinguished primarily by how they wrap messages for delivery over HTTP and the sequence and content of the HTTP connections initiated by clients. While this may seem like a set of implementation concerns to observant readers, the difficulties of creating interoperable implementations without specifying these semantics fully is a primary motivation for the development of this specification. Were the deployed universe of servers and clients more flexible, it may not have been necessary to develop Bayeux.


Regardless, care has been taken in the development of this specification to ensure that future clients and servers which implement differing connection-level strategies and encodings may still evolve and continue to be conforming Bayeux implementations so long as they implement the JSON-based public/subscribe semantics outlined herein.


The rest of this document speaks as though HTTP will be used for message transport.


1.4.3. Javascript

The majority of Bayeux clients will be implemented in JavaScript and will be running within the security framework of a client browser. For applications that need to communicate with multiple servers, the client implementation MUST adhere to the single origin policy for security.


1.4.4. 客户端至服务端的时间传送Client to Server event delivery

A Bayeux event is sent from the client to the server via a HTTP request initiated by a user agent and transmitted to an origin server via a chain of zero or more intermediaries (proxy, gateway or tunnel):


BC ---------- U ---------- P ------------ O ---------- BS
| --M0(E)--> | | | |
| | ---HTTP request(M0(E))--> | |
| | | | --M0(E)--> |
| | | | <---M1---- |
| | <---HTTP response(M1)---- | |
| <---M1--- | | | |
| | | | |

The figure above represents a Bayeux event E encapsulated in a Bayeux message M0 being sent from a Bayeux client BC to a Bayeux server BS via a HTTP request transmitted from a User Agent U to to an Origin server O via a proxy P. The HTTP response contains another Bayeux message M1 that will at least contain the protocol response to M0, but may contain other Bayeux events initiated on the server or on other clients.


1.4.5. 服务端至客户端的事件传送Server to Client event delivery

A Bayeux event is sent from the server to the client via a HTTP response to a HTTP request sent in anticipation by a user agent and transmitted to an origin server via a chain of zero or more intermediaries (proxy, gateway or tunnel):

一个Bayeux事件从服务端发送至客户端, 是由一个用户代理预先发起HTTP请求的HTTP响应,经过若干环节的中介(代理,网关,或通道),被传送到原始服务器端。

BC ---------- U ---------- P ------------ O ---------- BS
| ---M0---> | | | |
| | --- HTTP request(M0) ---> | |
| | | | ----M0---> |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait
| | | | <--M1(E)-- |
| | <--HTTP response(M1(E))-- | |
| <--M1(E)-- | | | |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The figure above represents a Bayeux message M0 being sent from a Bayeux client BC to a Bayeux server BS via a HTTP request transmitted from a User Agent U to to an Origin server O via a proxy P. The message M0 is sent in anticipation of a Bayeux event to be delivered from server to client and the Bayeux server waits for such an event before sending a response. A Bayeux event E is shown being delivered via Bayeux message M1 in the HTTP response. M1 may contain zero, one or more Bayeux events destined for the Bayeux client.


The transport used may terminate the HTTP response after delivery of M1 or use techniques to leave the response open and stream additional messages to the client.


1.4.5.i 轮询传输Polling transports

Polling transports will always terminate the HTTP response after sending all available Bayeux messages.


BC ---------- U ---------- P ------------ O ---------- BS
| ---M0---> | | | |
| | --- HTTP request(M0) ---> | |
| | | | ----M0---> |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait
| | | | <--M1(E)-- |
| | <--HTTP response(M1(E))-- | |
| <--M1(E)-- | | | |
| ---M2---> | | | |
| | --- HTTP request(M2) ---> | |
| | | | ----M2---> |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait

On receipt of the HTTP response containing M1, the Bayeux client issues a new Bayeux message M2 either immediately or after an interval in anticipation of more events to be delivered from server to client. Bayeux implementations are required to support a specific style of polling transport called "long polling" (see sec 6.1).


1.4.5.ii 流传输Streaming transports

Some Bayeux transports use a streaming technique (also called a forever response) that allows multiple messages to be sent over the same HTTP response:


BC ---------- U ---------- P ------------ O ---------- BS
| ---M0---> | | | |
| | --- HTTP request(M0) ---> | |
| | | | ----M0---> |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait
| | | | <--M1(E0)- |
| | <--HTTP response(M1(E0))- | |
| <--M1(E0)- | | | |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait
| | | | <--M1(E1)- |
| | <----(M1(E1))------------ | |
| <--M1(E1)- | | | |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait

Streaming techniques avoid the latency and extra messaging of anticipatory requests, but are subject to the implementation of user agents and proxies as they requires incomplete HTTP responses to be delivered to the Bayeux client.


1.4.6. 双连接运作Two connection operation

In order to achieve bi-directional communications, a Bayeux client will use two HTTP connections to a Bayeux server so that both server to client and client to server messaging may occur asynchronously:


BC ---------- U ---------- P ------------ O ---------- BS
| ---M0---> | | | |
| | ------ req0(M0) --------> | |
| | | | ----M0---> |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait
| --M1(E1)-> | | | |
| | ----- req1(M1(E1))------> | |
| | | | --M1(E1)-> |
| | | | <---M2---- |
| | <---- resp1(M2)---------- | |
| <---M2--- | | | |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait
| | | | <-M3(E2)-- |
| | <-----resp2(M3(E2))------ | |
| <-M3(E2)-- | | | |
| ---M4---> | | | |
| | ------req3(M4)----------> | |
| | | | ----M4---> |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wait

HTTP requests req0 and req1 are sent on different TCP/IP connections, so that the response to req1 may be sent before the response to req0. Implementations MUST control HTTP pipelining so that req1 does not get queued behind req0 and thus enforce an ordering of responses.


1.4.7. 连接协商Connection Negotiation

Bayeux connections are negotiated between client and server with handshake messages that allow the connection type, authentication and other parameters to be agreed upon between the client and the server.


BC ----------------------------------------- BS
| ------------------ handshake request ---> |
| <---- handshake response ---------------- |
| -------------------- connect request ---> |
~ ~ wait
| <------ connect response ---------------- |

Connection negotiation may be iterative and several handshake messages may be exchanged before a successful connection is obtained. Servers may also request connection renegotiation by sending an unsuccessful connect response with advice to reconnect with a handshake message.


BC ----------------------------------------- BS
| ------------------ handshake request ---> |
| <-- unsuccessful handshake response ----- |
| ------------------ handshake request ---> |
| <-- successful handshake response ------- |
| -------------------- connect request ---> |
~ ~ wait
| <------ connect response ---------------- |
| -------------------- connect request ---> |
| <---- unsucessful connect response ------ |
| ------------------ handshake request ---> |
| <-- successful handshake response ------- |
| -------------------- connect request ---> |
~ ~ wait
| <------ connect response ---------------- |

1.4.8. 未连接运作Unconnected operation

OPTIONALLY, messages can be sent without a prior handshake (see 5.1 Publish event messages).


| ------------------- message request ----> |
| <---- message response ------------------ |

This pattern is often useful when implementing non-browser clients for Bayeux servers. These clients often simply wish to address messages to other clients which the Bayeux server may be servicing, but do not wish to listen for events themselves.


1.5 状态表State Tables

1.5.1 客户端状态Client State

-------------++------------+-------------+----------- +------------
State/Event || handshake | Timeout | Successful | Disconnect
|| request | | connect | request
|| sent | | response | sent 
-------------++------------+-------------+----------- +------------

2. 协议涵义Protocol values

2.1. 基本组件Common Elements

The characters used for Bayeux names and identifiers are defined by the BNF definitions:


alpha = lowalpha | upalpha

lowalpha = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" |
"j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" |
"s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z"

upalpha = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" |
"J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" |
"S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"

digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" |
"8" | "9"

alphanum = alpha | digit

mark = "-" | "_" | "!" | "~" | "(" | ")" | "$" | "@"

string = *( alphanum | mark | " " | "/" | "*" | "." )

token = ( alphanum | mark ) *( alphanum | mark )

integer = digit *( digit )

2.2. 通道Channel

Channels are identified by names that are styled as the absolute path component of a URI without parameters as defined by RFC2396.


channel_name = "/" channel_segments
channel_segments = channel_segment *( "/" channel_segment )
channel_segment = token

The channel name consists of an initial "/" followed by an optional sequence of path segments separated by a single slash "/" character. Within a path segment, the character "/" is reserved.

Channel names commencing with "/meta/" are reserved protocol use. Example non-meta channel names are:



2.2.1 通道通配符Channel Globbing

A set of channels may be specified with a channel globbing pattern:

channel_pattern = *( "/" channel_segment ) "/" wild_card
wild_card = "*" | "**"

The channel patterns support only trailing wildcards of either "*" to match a single segment or "**" to match multiple segments. Example channel patterns are:

/foo/* Matches /foo/bar and /foo/boo. Does not match /foo, /foobar or /foo/bar/boo. /foo/** Matches /foo/bar, /foo/boo and /foo/bar/boo. Does not match /foo, /foobar or /foobar/boo
channel_pattern = *( "/" channel_segment ) "/" wild_card
wild_card = "*" | "**"
/foo/* Matches /foo/bar and /foo/boo. Does not match /foo, /foobar or /foo/bar/boo. /foo/** Matches /foo/bar, /foo/boo and /foo/bar/boo. Does not match /foo, /foobar or /foobar/boo

2.2.2 Meta通道Meta Channel

The channels within the "/meta/" segment are the channels used by the Bayeux protocol itself. Local server-side Bayeux clients MAY, and remote Bayeux clients SHOULD NOT, subscribe to meta channels. Messages published to meta channels MUST NOT be distributed to remote clients by Bayeux servers. A server side handler of a meta channel MAY publish response messages that are delivered only to the client that sent the original request message. If a message published to a meta channel contains an id field, then any response messages delivered to the client MUST contain an id field with the same value.


2.2.3 Service通道Service Channel

The channels within the "/service/" channel segement are special channels designed to assist request/response style messaging. Messages published to service channels are not distributed to any remote Bayeux clients. Handlers of service channels MAY deliver response messages to the client that published the request message. Servers SHOULD NOT record any subscriptions they receive for service channels. If a message published to a meta channel contains an id field, then any response messages SHOULD contain an id field with the same value or a value derived from the request id. Request response operations are described in detail in section 9.


2.3. 版本Version

A protocol version is a integer followed by an optional "." separated sequence of alphanumeric elements:

version = integer *( "." version_element )
version_element = alphanum *( alphanum | "-" | "_" )

Versions are compared element by element, applying normal alphanumeric comparison to each element.


version = integer *( "." version_element )
version_element = alphanum *( alphanum | "-" | "_" )


2.4. 客户端IDClient ID

A client ID is an random, non predictable sequence of alpha numeric characters:

clientId = alphanum *( alphanum )

Client IDs are generated by the server and SHOULD be created with a strong random algorithm that contains at least 128 truly random bits. Servers MUST ensure that client IDs are unique and SHOULD attempt to avoid reuse of client IDs. Client IDs are encoded for delivery as JSON strings.


clientId = alphanum *( alphanum )


2.5 消息Messages

Bayeux messages are JSON encoded objects that contain an unordered sequence of name value pairs representing fields and values. Values may be a simple strings, numbers, boolean values, or complex JSON encoded objects. A Bayeux message MUST contain one and only one channel field which determines the type of the message and the allowable fields.

All Bayeux messages SHOULD be encapsulated in a JSON array so that multiple messages may be transported together. A Bayeux client or server MUST accept either array of messages and MAY accept a single message. The JSON message or array of messages is itself often encapsulated in transport specific formatting and encodings. Below is an example Bayeux message in a JSON array representing an event sent from a client to a server:

"channel": "/some/name",
"clientId": "83js73jsh29sjd92",
"data": { "myapp" : "specific data", value: 100 }

3. 消息字段定义Message Field Definitions

3.1. 通道channel

The channel message field MUST be included in every Bayeux message to specify the source or destination of the message. In a request, the channel specifies the destination of the message, and in a response it specifies the source of the message.


3.2. 版本version

The version message field MUST be included in messages to/from the "/meta/handshake" channel to indicate the protocol version expected by the client/server.


3.3. 最小版本minimumVersion

The minimumVersion message field MAY be included in messages to/from the "/meta/handshake" channel to indicate the oldest protocol version that can be handled by the client/server.


3.4. 支持连接类型supportedConnectionTypes

The supportedConnectionTypes field is included in messages to/from the "/meta/handshake" channel to allow clients and servers to reveal the transports that are supported. The value is an array of strings, with each string representing a transport name. Defined connection types include:


messages are sent to the server as the 'message' parameter of a application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded POST request. Messages are sent to the client as unencapsulated body content of a POST response. This transport is defined in section [XXX] of this memo. 

messages are sent to the server as the 'message' parameter of a url encoded GET request. Responses are sent wrapped in a JavaScript callback in order to facilitate delivery. As specified by the JSON-P pseudo-protocol, the name of the callback to be triggered is passed to the server via the 'jsonp' GET parameter. In the absence of such a parameter, the name of the callback defaults to 'jsonpcallback'. 
消息通过通过url编码的GET请求的message参数发送到服务端。为容易发送,响应被封装到JavaScript回调函数中发送。按照JSON-P伪协议规范,被触发的回调函数名称作为jsonp GET参数传送到服务端。如果此参数不存在,回调函数名字默认为jsonpcallback。

OPTIONAL transport using the document content of a hidden iframe element. 
可选的 用一个隐藏iframe元素的文档内容传输

OPTIONAL transport using the capabilities of a browser flash plugin.


可选的 用浏览器的flash插件功能传输

All server and client implementations MUST support the "long-polling" connection type and SHOULD support "callback-polling". All other connection types are OPTIONAL.


3.5. clientId

The clientId message field uniquely identifies a client to a Bayeux server. The clientId message field MUST be included in every message sent to the server except for a messages sent to the "/meta/handshake" channel and a publish message (see 5.1 Publish event messages). The clientId field MUST be returned in every message response except for a failed handshake request and is OPTIONAL in a message delivery message.

clientId消息字段唯一标识到一个Bayeux服务端的一个客户端。clientId消息字段必须包含在每个发往服务端的哦消息中,除了发往/meta/channel通道的消息和publish消息(参考 5.1 发布事件消息)。除了失败的握手请求响应,clientId字段必须在每个响应消息中中返回,clientId在消息到消息中是可选的。

3.6. 建议advice

The advice field provides a way for servers to inform clients of their preferred mode of client operation so that in conjunction with server-enforced limits, Bayeux implementations can prevent resource exhaustion and inelegant failure modes.


The advice field is a JSON map containing general and transport specific values that indicate modes of operation, timeouts and other potential transport specific parameters. Fields may occur either in the top level of an advice or within a transport specific section.


Unless otherwise specified in sections 5 and 6, any Bayeux response message may contain an advice field. Advice received always superceeds any previous received advice.

An example advice field is

"advice": { 
"reconnect": "retry",
"interval": 1000,
"callback-polling" : {
"reconnect": "handshake"
"advice": { 
     "reconnect": "retry",
     "interval": 1000,
     "callback-polling" : {
         "reconnect": "handshake"

3.6.1. 重连advice reconnect advice

The reconnect advice field is a string that indicates how the client should act in the case of a failure to connect. Defined reconnect values are:


a client MAY attempt to reconnect with a /meta/connect after the interval (as defined by "interval" advice or client-default backoff), and with the same credentials.
客户端可以在一定间隔(按照interval advice定义或客户端默认延时)后用同样的证书重连到/meta/connect。

the server has terminated any prior connection status and the client MUST reconnect with a /meta/handshake. A client MUST NOT automatically retry if handshake advice has been received. 

hard failure for the connect attempt. Do not attempt to reconnect at all. A client MUST respect reconnect advice of none and MUST NOT automatically retry or handshake. Any client that does not implement all defined values of reconnect MUST NOT automatically retry or handshake.


3.6.2. 间隔advice interval advice

An integer representing the minimum period in milliseconds for a client to delay subsequent requests to the /meta/connect channel. A negative period indicates that the message should not be retried.

A client MUST implement interval support, but a client MAY exceed the interval provided by the server. A client SHOULD implement a backoff strategy to increase the interval if requests to the server fail without new advice being received from the server.



3.6.3. 多客户端advice multiple-clients advice

This is a boolean field, which if true indicates that the server has detected multiple Bayeux client instances running within the same HTTP client.


3.6.4. 主机advice hosts advice

This is an array of strings field, which if present indicates a list of host names or IP addresses that MAY be used as alternate servers with which the client may connect. If a client receives advice to re-handshake and the current server is not included in a supplied hosts list, then the client SHOULD try the hosts in order until a successful connection is establish. Advice received during handshakes with hosts in the list supercedes any previously received advice.


3.7. 连接类型 connectionType

The connectionType message field specifies the type of transport the client requires for communication. The connectionType message field MUST be included in request messages to the "/meta/connect" channel. Connection types are defined in section 4.7.


3.8. id

An id field MAY be included in any Bayeux message with an alpha numeric value:

id = alphanum *( alphanum )

Generation of IDs is implementation specific and may be provided by the application. Messages published to /meta/** and /service/** SHOULD have id fields that are unique within the the connection.

Messages sent in response to messages delivered to /meta/** channels MUST use the same message id as the request message.

Messages sent in response to messages delivered to /service/** channels SHOULD use the same message id as the request message or an id derived from the request message id.


id = alphanum *( alphanum )


发送到 /meta/** 通道的消息的响应消息,必须使用和请求消息同样的消息id。

发送到 /service/**通道的消息的响应消息,应该使用和请求消息同样的消息id,或者派生自请求消息id。

3.9. 时间戳 timestamp

The timestamp message field SHOULD be specified in the following ISO 8601 profile: All times SHOULD be sent in GMT time.
A timestamp message field is OPTIONAL in all Bayeux messages.

3.10. 数据 data

The data message field is an arbitrary JSON object that contains event information. The data field MUST be included in publish requests, and a Bayeux server MUST include the data field in an event delivery message.


3.11. 连接Id connectionId

The connectionId field was used during development of the Bayeux protocol and its use is now deprecated.


3.12. 成功的 successful

The successful boolean message field is used to indicate success or failure and MUST be included in responses to the "/meta/handshake", "/meta/connect", "/meta/subscribe","/meta/unsubscribe", "/meta/disconnect", and publish channels.

成功布尔消息字段用来表明成功或失败,必须包含在到"/meta/handshake", "/meta/connect", "/meta/subscribe","/meta/unsubscribe", "/meta/disconnect", 和publish通道消息的响应中。

3.13. 订阅 subscription

The subscription message field specific the channels the client wishes to subscribe to or unsubscribe from. The subscription message field MUST be included in requests and responses to/from the "/meta/subscribe" or "/meta/unsubscribe" channels.


3.14. 错误 error

The error message field is OPTIONAL on any Bayeux response. The error message field MAY indicate the type of error that occurred when a request returns with a false successful message. The error message field should be sent as a string in the following format:

error = error_code ":" error_args ":" error_message 
| error_code ":" ":" error_message
error_code = digit digit digit
error_args = string *( "," string )
error_message = string

Example error strings are:

401::No client ID
402:xj3sjdsjdsjad:Unknown Client ID
403:xj3sjdsjdsjad,/foo/bar:Subscription denied
404:/foo/bar:Unknown Channel
Need to provide list of codes
error = error_code ":" error_args ":" error_message 
| error_code ":" ":" error_message
error_code = digit digit digit
error_args = string *( "," string )
error_message = string

Example error strings are:

401::No client ID
402:xj3sjdsjdsjad:Unknown Client ID
403:xj3sjdsjdsjad,/foo/bar:Subscription denied
404:/foo/bar:Unknown Channel
Need to provide list of codes

3.15. 扩展 ext

An ext field MAY be included in any Bayeux message. Its value SHOULD be a JSON map with top level names distinguished by implementation names (eg. "org.dojo.Bayeux.field").

The contents of ext may be arbitrary values that allow extensions to be negotiated and implemented between server and client implementations.

扩展字段可以包含在任何Bayeux消息中,它的值应该是以实现名称显著显示的*名称(如:"org.dojo.Bayeux.field")的JSON map。扩展内容可以是任意值,这些值允许扩展被协商和实现在服务端和客户端实现之间。

3.16. json-comment-filtered

The json-comment-filtered ext field of the handshake message is deprecated.

4. Meta消息定义 Meta Message Definitions

4.1. 握手 handshake

4.1.1. 握手请求 handshake Request

A Bayeux client initiates a connection negotiation by sending a message to the "/meta/handshake" channel. For same domain connections, the Handshake requests MUST be sent to the server as the 'message' parameter of an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded POST request. For cross domain connections, the Handshake request MUST be sent to the server as a url encoded GET request with the jsonp parameter set for callback-polling.


A handshake request MUST contain the message fields:

value "/meta/handshake" 
The version of the protocol supported by the client. 
An array of the connection types supported by the client for the purposes of the connection being negotiated. This list MAY be a subset of the connection types actually supported if the client wishes to negotiate a specific connection type.
value "/meta/handshake" 
值为 /meta/handshake
The version of the protocol supported by the client. 
An array of the connection types supported by the client for the purposes of the connection being negotiated. This list MAY be a subset of the connection types actually supported if the client wishes to negotiate a specific connection type. 

A handshake request MAY contain the message fields:



A client SHOULD NOT send any other message in the request with a handshake message. A server MUST ignore any other message sent in the same request as a handshake message. An example handshake request is:

"channel": "/meta/handshake",
"version": "1.0",
"minimumVersion": "1.0beta",
"supportedConnectionTypes": ["long-polling", "callback-polling", "iframe"]
"channel": "/meta/handshake",
"version": "1.0",
"minimumVersion": "1.0beta",
"supportedConnectionTypes": ["long-polling", "callback-polling", "iframe"]

4.1.2. 握手响应 handshake Response

A Bayeux server MUST respond to a handshake request with a handshake response message in the body content of the response. For cross domain connections that have the 'jsonp' parameter set, the message body may be encapsulated in a jsonp callback method.


Successful handshake response


A successful handshake responses MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/handshake"
值为 /meta/handshake
The connection types supported by the server for the purposes of the connection being negotiated. This list MAY be a subset of the connection types actually supported if the server wishes to negotiate a specific connection type. This list MUST contain at list one element in common with the supportedConnectionType provided in the handshake request. If there are no connectionTypes in common, the handshake response MUST be unsuccessful.
A newly generated unique clientId.
value true

A successful handshake response MAY contain the message fields:



same value as request message id 

Value true, this field may be included to support prototype client implementations that required the authSuccessful field
An example successful handshake response is: [
"channel": "/meta/handshake",
"version": "1.0",
"minimumVersion": "1.0beta",
"supportedConnectionTypes": ["long-polling","callback-polling"],
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"successful": true,
"authSuccessful": true,
"advice": { "reconnect": "retry" }

Unsuccessful handshake response


An unsuccessful handshake response MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/handshake" 
value false 
a string with the description of the reason for the failure.

An unsuccessful handshake response MAY contain the message fields:


The connection types supported by the server for the purposes of the connection being negotiated. This list MAY be a subset of the connection types actually supported if the server wishes to negotiate a specific connection type. 
same value as request message id

An example unsuccessful handshake response is:


"channel": "/meta/handshake",
"version": "1.0",
"minimumVersion": "1.0beta",
"supportedConnectionTypes": ["long-polling","callback-polling"],
"successful": false,
"error": "Authentication failed",
"advice": { "reconnect": "none" }

For complex connection negotiations, multiple handshake messages may be exchanged between the Bayeux client and server. The handshake response will set the "successful" field to false until the handshake processs is complete. The advice and ext fields may be used to communicate additional information needed to complete the handshake process. An unsuccessful handshake response with reconnect advice of "handshake" is used to continue the connection negotiation. An unsuccessful handshake response with reconnect advice of "none" is used to terminate connection negotiations.


4.2. 连接 connect

4.2.1. 连接请求 connect Request

After a Bayeux client has discovered the server's capabilities with a handshake exchange, a connection is established by sending a message to the "/meta/connect" channel. This message may be transported over any of the transports indicated as supported by the server in the handshake response.


A connect request MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/connect" 
The client ID returned in the handshake response 
The connection type used by the client for the purposes of this connection.

A connect request MAY contain the message fields:



A client MAY send other messages in the same HTTP request with a connection message. A server MUST handle any other message sent in the same request as a connect message after the handling of the connect message is complete.


An example connect request is:


"channel": "/meta/connect",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"connectionType": "long-polling"

A transport MUST maintain one and only one outstanding connect message. When a HTTP response that contains a /meta/connect response terminates, the client MUST wait at least the interval specified in the last received advice before following the advice to reestablish the connection


4.2.2. 连接响应 connect Response

A Bayeux server MUST respond to a connect request with a connect response message over the same transport as used for the request.


A Bayeux server MAY wait to respond until there are event messages available in the subscribed channels for the client that need to be delivered to the client.


A connect responses MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/connect"
boolean indicating the success or failure of the connection
The negotiated client ID

A connect response MAY contain the message fields:



same value as request message id

An example connect response is:


"channel": "/meta/connect",
"successful": true,
"error": "",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"timestamp": "12:00:00 1970",
"advice": { "reconnect": "retry" }

The client MUST maintain only a single outstanding connect message. If the server does not have a current outstanding connect and a connect is not received within a configured timeout, then the server SHOULD act as if a disconnect message has been received.


4.4. 断开 disconnect

4.4.1. 断开请求 disconnect Request

When a connected client wishes to cease operation it should send a request to the "/meta/disconnect" channel for the server to remove any client-related state. The server SHOULD release any waiting meta message handlers. Bayeux client applications should send a disconnect request when the user shuts down a browser window or leaves the current page. A Bayeux server SHOULD not rely solely on the client sending a disconnect message to remove client-related state information because a disconnect message might not be sent from the client or the disconnect request might not reach the server.


A disconnect request MUST contain the message fields: 
value "/meta/disconnect" 
The client ID returned in the handshake response

A disconnect request MAY contain the message fields:



An example disconnect request is: 
"channel": "/meta/disconnect",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r"

4.4.2. 断开响应 disconnect Response

A Bayeux server MUST respond to a disconnect request with a disconnect response.


A disconnect response MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/disconnect" 
The client ID returned in the handshake response 
boolean value indicated the success or failure of the disconnect request

A disconnect response MAY contain the message fields:



same value as request message id 

An example disconnect response is: 
"channel": "/meta/disconnect",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"successful": true 

4.5. 订阅 subscribe

4.5.1. 订阅请求 subscribe Request

A connected Bayeux client may send subscribe messages to register interest in a channel and to request that messages published to the subscribe channel are delivered to the client.


A subscribe request MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/subscribe" 
The client ID returned in the handshake response 
a channel name or a channel pattern or an array of channel names and channel patterns.

A subscribe request MAY contain the message fields:



An example subscribe request is:


"channel": "/meta/subscribe",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"subscription": "/foo/**"

4.5.2. 订阅响应 subscribe Response

A Bayeux server MUST respond to a subscribe request with a subscribe response message.


A Bayeux server MAY send event messages for the client in the same HTTP response as the subscribe response, including events for the channels just subscribed to.


A subscribe responses MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/subscribe"
boolean indicating the success or failure of the subscribe
The negotiated client ID
a channel name or a channel pattern or an array of channel names and channel patterns. 

A subscribe response MAY contain the message fields: 

same value as request message id
An example successful subscribe response is: 
"channel": "/meta/subscribe",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"subscription": "/foo/**",
"successful": true,
"error": ""
An example failed subscribe response is: 
"channel": "/meta/subscribe",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"subscription": "/bar/baz",
"successful": false,
"error": "403:/bar/baz:Permission Denied"

4.6. 取消订阅 unsubscribe

4.6.1. 取消订阅请求 unsubscribe Request

A connected Bayeux client may send unsubscribe messages to cancel interest in a channel and to stop published message delivery from the server to the unsubscribe channel.


A unsubscribe request MUST contain the message fields:


value "/meta/unsubscribe" 
The client ID returned in the handshake response 
a channel name or a channel pattern or an array of channel names and channel patterns.

A unsubscribe request MAY contain the message fields:



An example unsubscribe request is: 
"channel": "/meta/unsubscribe",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"subscription": "/foo/**"

4.6.2. 取消订阅响应 unsubscribe Response

A Bayeux server MUST respond to a unsubscribe request with a unsubscribe response message.


A Bayeux server MAY send event messages for the client in the same HTTP response as the unsubscribe response, including events for the channels just unsubscribed to as long as the event was processed before the unsubscribe request.


A unsubscribe responses MUST contain the message fields: 
value "/meta/unsubscribe"
boolean indicating the success or failure of the unsubscribe operation
The negotiated client ID
a channel name or a channel pattern or an array of channel names and channel patterns. 

A unsubscribe response MAY contain the message fields: 

same value as request message id
An example unsubscribe response is: 
"channel": "/meta/unsubscribe",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"subscription": "/foo/**",
"successful": true,
"error": ""

5. 事件消息定义 Event Message Definitions

Application events are published in event messages sent from a Bayeux client to a Bayeux server and are delivered in event messages sent from a Bayeux server to a Bayeux client.

5.1. 发布事件消息 Publish event messages

5.1.1. 发布请求 publish Request

A Bayeux client can publish events on a channel by sending event messages. An event message MAY be sent in new HTTP request or it MAY be sent in the same HTTP request as any message other than a handshake meta message.


A publish message may be sent from an unconnected client (that has not performed handshaking and thus does not have a client ID). It is OPTIONAL for a server to accept unconnected publish requests and they should apply server specific authentication and authorization before doing so.


A publish event message MUST contain the message fields: 
The message as an arbitrary JSON object 

A publish event message MAY contain the message fields: 
The negotiated client ID
A unique ID for the message generated by the client

An example event message is: 
"channel": "/some/channel",
"clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r",
"data": "some application string or JSON object",
"id": "some unique message id"

5.1.2. 发布响应 publish Response

A Bayeux server MAY respond to a publish event message with a publish event acknowlegement.


A publish event message MUST contain the message fields: 
boolean indicating the success or otherwise of the publish 

A publish event response MAY contain the message fields: 

An example event reponse message is: 
"channel": "/some/channel",
"successful": true,
"id": "some unique message id"

5.2. 传送事件消息 Deliver Event messages

Event messages are delivered to clients if the client is subscribed to the channel of the event message. Event messages may be sent to the client in the same HTTP response as any other message other than a meta handshake response. If a Bayeux server has multiple HTTP requests from the same client, the server SHOULD deliver all available messages in the HTTP response that will be sent immediately in preference to waking a waiting connect meta message handler. Event message delivery is not acknowledged by the client.



A deliver event message MUST contain the message fields:



The message as an arbitrary JSON object 

A deliver event response MAY contain the message fields: 
Unique message ID from the publisher
The client ID of the publisher

An example event deliver message is: 
"channel": "/some/channel",
"data": "some application string or JSON object",
"id": "some unique message id"

6. 传输 Transports

6.1. 长轮询 long-polling

"Long-polling" is a polling transport that attempts to minimize both latency in server-client message delivery, and the processing/network resources required for the connection. In "traditional" polling, servers send and close responses to requests immediately, even when there are no events to deliver, and worst-case latency is the polling delay between each client request. Long-polling server implementations attempt to hold open each request until there are events to deliver; the goal is to always have a pending request available to use for delivering events as they occur, thereby minimizing the latency in message delivery. Increased server load and resource starvation are addressed by using the reconnect and interval advice fields to throttle clients, which in the worst-case degenerate to traditional polling behaviour.

6.1.1 长轮询请求消息 long-polling request messages

Messages are sent to the server as the body of a POST, encoded either as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or as "text/json". If sent as form encoded, the Bayeux messages are sent as the "message" parameter in one of the following forms as:

消息做为POST请求体发往服务端,可以被编码为 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 或 "text/json"。如果做为表单编码发送,Bayeux消息做为下列形式之一的"message"参数发送:

  • Single valued and contain a single Bayeux message
  • 单个值并包含单个Bayeux消息
  • Single valued and contain an array of Bayeux message
  • 单个值并包含一个Bayeux消息数组
  • Multi valued and contain a several individual Bayeux message
  • 多值并包含多个独立的Bayeux消息
  • Multi valued and contain a several arrays of Bayeux message
  • 多值并包含多个Bayeux消息数组
  • Multi valued and contain a mix of individual Bayeux messages and arrays of Bayeux message
  • 多值并混合包含了独立的Bayeux消息和Bayeux消息数组

6.1.2 长轮询响应消息 long-polling response messages

Messages are sent to the client as unencapsulated body content of a POST response with content type "text/json" or "text/json-comment-filtered".

消息做为未封装的POST响应体发往客户端,POST响应的内容类型为"text/json" 或 "text/json-comment-filtered"。

6.2. 回调轮询 callback-polling

6.2.1 回调轮询请求消息 callback-polling request messages

Messages are sent to the server either using POST requests as per long-polling transport or as the 'message' URL parameter of a GET request.


6.2.2 回调轮询响应消息 callback-polling response messages

Messages are sent to the client as JavaScript function call returned for script source GET requests. The function called will be determined by the 'jsonp' field of any associated request messages, or 'jsonpcallback' if not specified. The called function will be passed a JSON array of Bayeux messages.


7. 安全 Security

7.1. 认证 Authentication

Bayeux may be used with:

  • No authentication
  • 无认证
  • Container supplied authentication (eg BASIC auth or cookie managed session based authentication)
  • 容器提供的认证(如BASIC认证或基于session的cookie管理的认证)
  • Bayeux extension authentication that exchanges authentication credentials and tokens within Bayeux messages ext fields
  • 在Bayeux消息扩展字段中交换认证证书和令牌的Bayeux扩展认证

For Bayeux authentication, no algorithm is specified for generating or validating security credentials or token. This version of the protocol only defines that the ext field may be used to exchange authentication challenges, credentials, and tokens and that the advice field may be used to control multiple iterations of the exchange.


The connection negotiation mechanism may be used to negotiate authentication or request re-authentication.


7.2. Ajax劫持 Ajax Hijacking

The Ajax hijacking vulnerability is when an attacking web site uses a script tag to execute JSON content obtained from an Ajax server. The Bayeux protocol is not vulnerable to this style of attack as cookies are not used for authentication and a valid client ID is needed before private client data is returned. The use of POST by some transports further protects against this style of attack.


8. 多框架运作 Multi frame operation

Current HTTP client implementations are RECOMMENDED to allow only two connections between a client and a server. This presents a problem when multiple instances of the Bayeux client are operating in multiple tabs or windows of the same browser instance. The two connection limit can be consumed by outstanding connect meta messages from each tab or window and thus prevent other messages from being delivered in a timely fashion.


8.1 服务端多框架侦测 Server Multi frame detection

It is RECOMMENDED that Bayeux server implementations use the cookie "Bayeux_HTTP_ID" to identify a HTTP client and to thus detect multiple Bayeux clients running within the same HTTP client. Once detected, the server SHOULD not wait for messages in connect and SHOULD use the advice interval mechanism to establish traditional polling.


8.2 客户端多框架处理 Client Multi frame handling

It is RECOMMENDED that Bayeux client implementations use client side persistence or cookies to detect multiple intances of Bayeux clients running within the same HTTP client. Once detected, the user MAY be offered the option to disconnect all but one of the clients. It MAY be possible for client implementations to use client side persistence to share a Bayeux client instance.


9. service通道的请求/响应操作

Request / Response operation with service channels

The publish/subscribe paradigm that is directly supported by the Bayeux protocol is difficult to use to efficiently implement the request/response paradigm between a client and a server. The /service/** channel space has been designated as a special channel space to allow efficient transport of application request and responses over Bayeux channels. Messages published to service channels are not distributed to other Bayeux clients so these channels can be used for private requests between a Bayeux client and a server side handlers.

A trivial example would be an echo service, that sent any message received from a client back to that client unaltered. Bayeux clients would subscribe the the /service/echo channel, but the Bayeux server would not need to record this subscription. When a client publishes a message to the /service/echo channel, it will be delivered only to server-side subscribers (in an implementation depedent fashion). The server side handler for the echo service would handle each message received by publishing a response directly to the client regardless of any subscription. As the client has subscribed to /service/echo, the response message will be routed correctly within the client to the appropriate application handler.



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