cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本

安装前提是cdh manager 已经可以通过admin登录,管理台安装在192.168.20.163


Setup Auto-TLS


2.sudo JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_141-cloudera /opt/cloudera/cm-agent/bin/certmanager --location /opt/cloudera/CMCA setup --configure-services

3.sudo systemctl  restart cloudera-scm-server


cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本


cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本


cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本

4.安装jdk,如果之前已经安装了oracle java 可以不选择,为了保险起见,我重新勾选了oracle java

5.安装ssh免密,直接按照默认的使用密码登录,使用root 密码root,系统会自动帮助你配置免密。配置完成会自动进入安装agent

cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本


cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本


cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本


cdh 安装系列3--cdh manager 安装 cdh 6.01 版本



1.Select Services

The Select Services page allows you to select the services you want to install and configure. Make sure that you have the appropriate license key for the services you want to use. You can choose from Cloudera Essentials, Data Engineering, Analytic Database, Operational Database, All Services, and Custom Services. To include Cloudera Navigator data management, check the box labeled Include Cloudera Navigator.

After selecting the services you want to add, click Continue. The Assign Roles page displays.


The Assign Roles page suggests role assignments for the hosts in your cluster. You can click on the hostname for a role to select a different host. You can also click the View By Host button to see all the roles assigned to a host.

To review the recommended role assignments, see Recommended Cluster Hosts and Role Distribution.

After assigning all of the roles for your services, click Continue. The Setup Database page displays.


Select the database type and enter the database name, username, and password for each service. Click Test Connection to validate the settings. If the connection is successful, a green checkmark and the word Successful appears next to each service. If there are any problems, the error is reported next to the service that failed to connect.

After verifying that each connection is successful, click Continue. The Review Changes page displays.


The Review Changes page lists default and suggested settings for several configuration parameters, including data directories.


The Command Details page lists the details of the First Run command. You can expand the running commands to view the details of any step, including log files and command output. You can filter the view by selecting Show All Steps, Show Only Failed Steps, or Show Running Steps.

After the First Run command completes, click Continue to go to the Summary page.



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