








May I leave a message 我可以留话吗?  May I take a message 我可以帮你留话吗  go ahead 请继续/请讲  You must come back as soon as possible 你必须尽快回来  here you are = here you go

He has a few friends 他有一些朋友  He has few friends 他没什么朋友  How much money do you have?  Do you have change for a hundred? No problem  two piece of paper two glasses of water

make an appointment 约定  in the afternoon 下午  look for 寻找  make a call 打电话  get up 起床  order sb to do sth命令某人总某事   in front of 在...前面  Eggs are selling at a low price

Do you have a table for two?   try ... on试穿   two pairs of trousers/pants两条裤子  well-done熟透的,全熟的   have/take a look at sth look for寻找  on sale打折卖,特卖   for sale售卖
I'd like to book/reserve a table for seven.  Can I have a window seat,please?     give sb a hand帮助某人 give sb a big hand 给某人热烈鼓掌
in the corner在角落里   on the corner在转角处   around the corner在转角附件

rock and roll摇滚 rolls卷 toilet roll卷纸 roll skating滑旱冰/溜冰  look/stare/glance/glare at
keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth  encourage sb to do sth  mix A with B  
argue with sb about/over sth与某人争论  quarrel with sb about/over sth=have a fight with sb about/over sth 争吵,吵架


下一篇:Python | JSON 数据解析(Json & JsonPath)