[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable


1. First, create a Lambda function call `lambdav1`

2. Create three alias PROD, TEST, DEV

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

For each alias, you can modify the response body code, so that you are able to tell which alias currently working on.

3. Create API Gateway resouce `/`, method: GET; 

4. Enable "Use Lambda Proxy integration"

5. Lambda Function: ``lambdav1${stageVariables.lambdaAlias}

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

6. Alert you to add Permission for API Gateway to invoke alias:

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

7. Run the commands for `DEV`, `TEST`, `PROD`:

aws lambda add-permission   
--function-name "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:860348619467:function:lambdav1:PROD"
--source-arn "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:860348619467:simzh6y9t2/*/GET/"
--principal apigateway.amazonaws.com --statement-id 10712fb2-6ee5-4383-9e66-3cddf29e438a
--action lambda:InvokeFunction
--region us-east-1

8. Then varify the alias resouce-based policy is not empty:

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

9. Now if you invoke API gateway "TEST" button with stage Variable

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

you should be able to see the response

10. Deploy API Gateway and create `dev`, `test`, `prod` stages. For each deploy, modify stage vairable to its alias

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

[AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

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