barabasilab-networkScience学习笔记6-evolving networks

第一次接触复杂性科学是在一本叫think complexity的书上,Allen博士很好的讲述了数据结构与复杂性科学,barabasi是一个知名的复杂性网络科学家,barabasilab则是他所主导的一个实验室,这里的笔记则是关于里面介绍的课程的笔记,当然别人的课程不是公开课,所以从ppt里只能看到骨干的东西了,对了补充下,slider相关的书籍在这里可以找到



这篇博客主要介绍evolving networks!(evolving networks怎么翻译呢?翻译成模型演化比较好一点)主要来讲模型的演化的性质


Evolving Networks are networks that change as a function of time. They are a natural extension of network science since almost all real world networks evolve over time, either by adding or removing nodes or links over time. Often all of these processes occur simultaneously, such as in social networks where people make and lose friends over time, thereby creating and destroying edges, and some people become part of new social networks or leave their networks, changing the nodes in the network. Evolving network concepts build on established network theory and are now being introduced into studying networks in many diverse fields.

evolving networks是一个随时间变化的一些列的网络集合,他是网络科学的自然延伸,一般也认为是网络科学基础上建立起来的理论,本系列的笔记主要在讲网络科学


  1. variations in the shape of the degree distribution
  2. variations in the degree exponent
  3. the size-independent clustering coefficient


好的,现在我们来介绍一个新星:Bianconi-Barabasi model

除了介绍了这个网络模型,还介绍了fitness model

In complex network theory, the fitness model is a model of the evolution of a network: how the links between nodes change over time depends on the fitness of nodes. Fitter nodes attract more links at the expense of less fit nodes.

It has been used to model the network structure of the World Wide Web.

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