java 检查抛出的异常是否是要捕获的检查性异常或运行时异常或错误

* Return whether the given throwable is a checked exception:
* that is, neither a RuntimeException nor an Error.
* @param ex the throwable to check
* @return whether the throwable is a checked exception
* @see java.lang.Exception
* @see java.lang.RuntimeException
* @see java.lang.Error
public static boolean isCheckedException(Throwable ex) {
return !(ex instanceof RuntimeException || ex instanceof Error);
} /**
* Check whether the given exception is compatible with the specified
* exception types, as declared in a throws clause.
* @param ex the exception to check
* @param declaredExceptions the exception types declared in the throws clause
* @return whether the given exception is compatible
public static boolean isCompatibleWithThrowsClause(Throwable ex, Class<?>... declaredExceptions) {
if (!isCheckedException(ex)) {//如果ex是RuntimeException或者Error,则为true
return true;
if (declaredExceptions != null) {
for (Class<?> declaredException : declaredExceptions) {
if (declaredException.isInstance(ex)) {
return true;
return false;
    public static void test(){
try {
int a = 1 / 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
if(isCompatibleWithThrowsClause(e, NoSuchFieldException.class)){
} }

java 检查抛出的异常是否是要捕获的检查性异常或运行时异常或错误

上一篇:为什么只有在用Visual Studio启动程序时会抛出InvalidOperationException异常

下一篇:python os.path.isfile函数