之前写了篇谈谈文字图片粒子化 I,并且写了个简单的demo -> 粒子化。正当我在为写 谈谈文字图片粒子化II 准备demo时,突然想到能不能用正方体代替demo中的球体粒子。我不禁被自己的想法吓了一跳,球体的实现仅仅是简单的画圆,因为球体在任意角度任意距离的视图都是圆(如果有视图的话);而正方体有6个面8个点12条线,在canvas上的渲染多了n个数量级。先不说性能的问题,单单要实现六个面的旋转和绘制就不是一件特别容易的事情。
说干就干,经过曲折的过程,终于得到了一个半成品 -> 粒子化之正方体
之前我们已经实现了一个点在三维系的坐标转换(如不懂,可参考rotate 3d基础),并且得到了这样的一个demo -> 3d球体。 那么我想,既然能得到点在三维系的空间转换坐标,根据点-线-面的原理,理论上应该很容易实现正方体在三维系的体现,不就是初始化相对位置一定的8个点么?而且之前也简单地实现了一个面的demo -> 3d爱心,当时认为并不难。
于是我根据一定的相对位置,在三维系中初始化了8个点,每帧渲染的同时实现8个点的位置转移,并且根据8个点的位置每帧重绘12条线,得到demo -> 3d正方体
这时我意识到应该是面的绘制顺序出错了,在每帧的绘制前应该先给面排个序,比如图示的正方体的体心是三维系的原点,那么正方体的后面肯定是不可见的,所以应该先绘制。而在制作三维球体旋转时,是根据球体中心在三维系的坐标z值排序的,这一点也很好理解,越远的越容易被挡就越先画嘛;同时我在WAxes的这篇用Canvas玩3D:点-线-面中看到他绘制正方体的方法是根据6个面中心点的z值进行排序,乍一想似乎理所当然,于是我去实现了,体心在原点体验良好,demo ->3d正方体,但是体心一改变位置,就坑爹了...
var that = this; this.f.sort(function (a, b) { if(b.zIndex !== a.zIndex) return b.zIndex - a.zIndex; else if(b.xIndex !== a.xIndex) { // 观察基准点(0,0,0) if(that.x >= 0) return b.xIndex - a.xIndex; else return a.xIndex - b.xIndex; } else { if(that.y >= 0) return b.yIndex - a.yIndex; else return a.yIndex - b.yIndex; }
于是在知乎上问了下:怎样在二维上确定一个三维空间正方体六个面的绘制顺序? 有计算机图形学基础的请无视。
很显然,正方体之间也有绘制的先后顺序,这里粗略地采用根据体心排序的方法,按照Milo Yip的说法,这可以解决大部分情况,但也会漏掉一些最坏情况。最好的做法是zbuffer算法。
于是乎,一个多正方体demo新鲜出炉了-> 多正方体demo
如果要打造 粒子化之正方体 的效果,参考-> 谈谈文字图片粒子化 I
- 先将正方体进行排序,确定正方体的绘制顺序
- 接着渲染每个正方体,先渲染正方体的各个点,改变各个点最新的坐标
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) this.p[i].render();
- 点渲染完后,根据最新的点的坐标调整正方体体心坐标,为下一帧的正方体排序准备
- 获取每个面法向量和面中点和视点夹角cos值,如果大于0(夹角小于90)则绘制(这里其实不用排序):
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) this.f[i].angle = this.f[i].getAngle(); this.f.sort(function (a, b) { return a.angle > b.angle; }); for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // 夹角 < 90,绘制 if(this.f[i].angle > 0) this.f[i].draw(); }
- 反复渲染
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> rotate 3d</title> <script> window.onload = function() { var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // var img = document.getElementById('img1'); // ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data; // ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // var length = data.length; // var num = 0; // var textPoint = []; // var r = 5; // var offsetX = -130; // var offsetY = -170; // for (var i = 0, wl = canvas.width * 4; i < length; i += 4) { // if (data[i + 3]) { // var x = (i % wl) / 4; // var y = parseInt(i / wl) // num++; // textPoint.push([offsetX + x * r * 2, offsetY + y * r * 2]); // } // } var garden = new Garden(canvas); // 设置二维视角原点(一般为画布中心) garden.setBasePoint(500, 250); // for(var i = 0; i < textPoint.length; i++) // garden.createCube(textPoint[i][0], textPoint[i][1], 0, r - 1); // 构造 var z = 20; garden.createCube(0, 0, z, 30); garden.createCube(60, 0, z, 20); garden.createCube(-60, 0, z, 20); garden.createCube(0, 60, z, 20); garden.createCube(60, 60, z, 20); garden.createCube(-60, 60, z, 20); garden.createCube(60, -60, z, 20); garden.createCube(0, -60, z, 20); garden.createCube(-60, -60, z, 20); // 设置监听 // garden.setListener(); // 渲染 setInterval(function() {garden.render();}, 1000 / 60); }; function Garden(canvas) { this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); // 三维系在二维上的原点 this.vpx = undefined; this.vpy = undefined; this.cubes = []; this.angleY = Math.PI / 180 * 1; this.angleX = Math.PI / 180 * 1; } Garden.prototype = { setBasePoint: function(x, y) { this.vpx = x; this.vpy = y; }, createCube: function(x, y, z, r) { this.cubes.push(new Cube(this, x, y, z, r)); }, render: function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); // var that = this; this.cubes.sort(function (a, b) { if(b.z !== a.z) return b.z - a.z; else if(b.x !== a.x) { if(b.x >= 0 && a.x >= 0 || b.x <= 0 && a.x <= 0) return Math.abs(b.x) - Math.abs(a.x); else return b.x - a.x; } else { if(b.y >= 0 && a.y >= 0 || b.y <= 0 && a.y <= 0) return Math.abs(b.y) - Math.abs(a.y); else return b.y - a.y; } }); for(var i = 0; i < this.cubes.length; i++) this.cubes[i].render(); } // setListener: function() { // var that = this; // document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event){ // var x = event.clientX - that.vpx; // var y = event.clientY - that.vpy; // that.angleY = -x * 0.0001; // that.angleX = y * 0.0001; // }); // } }; function Ball(cube, x, y, z) { this.cube = cube; // 三维上坐标 this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; // 二维上坐标 this.x2 = undefined; this.y2 = undefined; } Ball.prototype = { // 绕y轴变化,得出新的x,z坐标 rotateY: function() { var cosy = Math.cos(this.cube.angleY); var siny = Math.sin(this.cube.angleY); var x1 = this.z * siny + this.x * cosy; var z1 = this.z * cosy - this.x * siny; this.x = x1; this.z = z1; }, // 绕x轴变化,得出新的y,z坐标 rotateX: function() { var cosx = Math.cos(this.cube.angleX); var sinx = Math.sin(this.cube.angleX); var y1 = this.y * cosx - this.z * sinx; var z1 = this.y * sinx + this.z * cosx; this.y = y1; this.z = z1; }, getPositionInTwoDimensionalSystem: function(a) { // focalLength 表示当前焦距,一般可设为一个常量 var focalLength = 300; // 把z方向扁平化 var scale = focalLength / (focalLength + this.z); this.x2 = this.cube.garden.vpx + this.x * scale; this.y2 = this.cube.garden.vpy + this.y * scale; }, render: function() { this.rotateX(); this.rotateY(); this.getPositionInTwoDimensionalSystem(); } }; function Cube(garden, x, y, z, r) { this.garden = garden; // 正方体中心和半径 this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.r = r; this.angleX = Math.PI / 180 * 1; this.angleY = Math.PI / 180 * 1; // cube的8个点 this.p = []; // cube的6个面 this.f = []; this.init(); } Cube.prototype = { init: function() { // 正方体的每个顶点都是一个ball类实现 this.p[0] = new Ball(this, this.x - this.r, this.y - this.r, this.z - this.r); this.p[1] = new Ball(this, this.x - this.r, this.y + this.r, this.z - this.r); this.p[2] = new Ball(this, this.x + this.r, this.y + this.r, this.z - this.r); this.p[3] = new Ball(this, this.x + this.r, this.y - this.r, this.z - this.r); this.p[4] = new Ball(this, this.x - this.r, this.y - this.r, this.z + this.r); this.p[5] = new Ball(this, this.x - this.r, this.y + this.r, this.z + this.r); this.p[6] = new Ball(this, this.x + this.r, this.y + this.r, this.z + this.r); this.p[7] = new Ball(this, this.x + this.r, this.y - this.r, this.z + this.r); // 正方体6个面 this.f[0] = new Face(this, this.p[0], this.p[1], this.p[2], this.p[3]); this.f[1] = new Face(this, this.p[3], this.p[2], this.p[6], this.p[7]); this.f[2] = new Face(this, this.p[4], this.p[5], this.p[6], this.p[7]); this.f[3] = new Face(this, this.p[4], this.p[5], this.p[1], this.p[0]); this.f[4] = new Face(this, this.p[0], this.p[3], this.p[7], this.p[4]); this.f[5] = new Face(this, this.p[5], this.p[1], this.p[2], this.p[6]); }, render: function() { for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) this.p[i].render(); // 八个点的坐标改变完后,改变cube体心坐标,为下一帧cube的排序作准备 this.changeCoordinate(); for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) this.f[i].angle = this.f[i].getAngle(); // 不是必须 this.f.sort(function (a, b) { return a.angle > b.angle; }); for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // 夹角 < 90,绘制 if(this.f[i].angle > 0) this.f[i].draw(); } }, // cube体心坐标改变 changeCoordinate: function() { this.x = this.y = this.z = 0; for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.x += this.p[i].x; this.y += this.p[i].y; this.z += this.p[i].z; } this.x /= 8; this.y /= 8; this.z /= 8; } }; function Face(cube, a, b, c, d) { this.cube = cube; this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.color = '#' + ('00000' + parseInt(Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16)).slice(-6); // 面的法向量和面心到视点向量的夹角的cos值 this.angle = undefined; } Face.prototype = { draw: function() { var ctx = this.cube.garden.ctx; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.moveTo(this.a.x2, this.a.y2); ctx.lineTo(this.b.x2, this.b.y2); ctx.lineTo(this.c.x2, this.c.y2); ctx.lineTo(this.d.x2, this.d.y2); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); }, // 获取面的法向量和z轴夹角 getAngle: function() { var x = (this.a.x + this.b.x + this.c.x + this.d.x) / 4 - this.cube.x; var y = (this.a.y + this.b.y + this.c.y + this.d.y) / 4 - this.cube.y; var z = (this.a.z + this.b.z + this.c.z + this.d.z) / 4 - this.cube.z; // 面的法向量 var v = new Vector(x, y, z); // 视点设为(0,0,-500) var x = 0 - (this.a.x + this.b.x + this.c.x + this.d.x) / 4; var y = 0 - (this.a.y + this.b.y + this.c.y + this.d.y) / 4; var z = - 500 - (this.a.z + this.b.z + this.c.z + this.d.z) / 4; // 面心指向视点的向量 var v2 = new Vector(x, y, z); return v.dot(v2); } }; function Vector(x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } // 向量点积,大于0为0~90度 Vector.prototype.dot = function(v) { return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor='#000'> <canvas id='canvas' width=1000 height=600 style='background-color:#000'> This browser does not support html5. </canvas> </body> </html>
That's all.