Android studiod ADV 安装后无法启动


Emulator: ERROR | Unknown AVD name [Pixel_2_API_30ming], use -list-avds to see valid list.

10:15 Emulator: ERROR | ANDROID_SDK_HOME is defined but there is no file Pixel_2_API_30ming.ini in $ANDROID_SDK_HOME\avd

10:15 Emulator: ERROR | (Note: Directories are searched in the order $ANDROID_AVD_HOME, $ANDROID_SDK_HOME\avd and $\avd)

检查是否有Android studiod 是否有如下错误

SDK Validation
ANDROID_SDK_HOME is set to the root of your SDK: D:\apprun\run\Android\Sdk
This is the path of the preference folder expected by the Android tools.
It should NOT be set to the same as the root of your SDK.
Please set it to a different folder or do not set it at all.
If this is not set we default to:C:\Users\ylm

SDK 的环境变量的名称不能用ANDROID_SDK_HOME,改为其他的名称就可以,ANDROID_SDK_HOME,已经被默认给Android tools了。

Android studiod ADV 安装后无法启动
Android studiod ADV 安装后无法启动

重启Android studiod即可

Android studiod ADV 安装后无法启动

上一篇:OpenCV:4.5.2 imread崩溃 libjpeg
