- 简单的实现流程图,这是一个单向的,双管道结构, 以模块A先创建堵塞,后连接,模块B先连接,后创建堵塞,来形成两条单向的交互管道, 优点是,读写分离,不用去分辨个管道里的数据哪些是读的哪些是写的。
#define DR_IPC_IMPLEMENTATION #include "dr_ipc.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string swrite_pipe_name = "write123"; string sread_pipe_name = "read123"; string log_file_tmp = ""; drpipe _write_pipe = nullptr; cout << "wait .. DR_IPC_WRITE write123" << endl; //创建管道,堵塞等待链接 dripc_result result = drpipe_open_named_server(swrite_pipe_name.c_str(), DR_IPC_WRITE, &_write_pipe); if (result != dripc_result_success) { cout << "error drpipe_open_named_server" << endl; Sleep(1000000); } else { cout << "2" << endl; dripc_result result = dripc_result_unknown_error; int nCount = 1; drpipe _read_pipe = NULL; result = drpipe_open_named_client(sread_pipe_name.c_str(), DR_IPC_READ, &_read_pipe);//连接管道 if (result != dripc_result_success) { cout << "error drpipe_open_named_client" << endl; Sleep(1000000); } string sParam = "123"; long lBytesWrite = 0; dripc_result rc = drpipe_write(_write_pipe, sParam.c_str(), sParam.size(), (size_t*)&lBytesWrite); if (dripc_result_success != rc) { cout << "error drpipe_write" << endl; Sleep(1000000); } size_t pBytesRead = 0; #define PIPE_MSG_MAX_SIZE (1024*1024*10) char* _msgbuf = new char[PIPE_MSG_MAX_SIZE]; memset(_msgbuf, 0, PIPE_MSG_MAX_SIZE); rc = drpipe_read(_read_pipe, _msgbuf, PIPE_MSG_MAX_SIZE, (size_t*)&pBytesRead); if (dripc_result_success == rc) { cout << "succeed" << endl; cout << "sParam:" <<_msgbuf << endl; } delete[]_msgbuf; drpipe_close(_write_pipe); drpipe_close(_read_pipe); Sleep(1000000); } }
#define DR_IPC_IMPLEMENTATION #include "..\dr_ipc.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { drpipe pReadPipe = nullptr; drpipe pWritePipe = nullptr; //连接管道 cout << "connect pipe:" << endl; dripc_result result = drpipe_open_named_client("write123", DR_IPC_READ, &pReadPipe); if (dripc_result_success != result) { cout << "pipe connect fail. read pipename:" << "write123"; Sleep(1000000); } cout << "connect pipe success" << endl; //创建写管道 会卡住等待连接 result = drpipe_open_named_server("read123", DR_IPC_WRITE, &pWritePipe); if (dripc_result_success != result) { cout << "pipe connect fail. write pipename:" << "read123"<< endl; drpipe_close(pReadPipe); pReadPipe = nullptr; Sleep(1000000); } //反复从读管道中获取数据,诊断,结果写入写管道 #define RECV_BUF_MAX_SIZE (10*1024*1024) char* pszrecvbuf = new char[RECV_BUF_MAX_SIZE]; memset(pszrecvbuf, 0, RECV_BUF_MAX_SIZE); while (true) { long lReadSize = 0; cout << "ready to read msg from pipe" << endl; dripc_result rc = drpipe_read(pReadPipe, pszrecvbuf, RECV_BUF_MAX_SIZE, (size_t*)&lReadSize); if (dripc_result_success != rc) { cout << "read pipe msg fail. error code:" << rc << endl; break; } cout << "read msg from pipe:" << pszrecvbuf << endl; string sResult = "finsih"; sResult.assign(pszrecvbuf); cout << "Result:" << sResult << endl; //反回结果 long lBytesWrite = 0; rc = drpipe_write(pWritePipe, sResult.c_str(), sResult.size(), (size_t*)&lBytesWrite); if (dripc_result_success != rc) { cout << "write msg to pipe fail. error code:" << rc << endl; break; } cout << "finish" << endl; } delete[]pszrecvbuf; drpipe_close(pReadPipe); drpipe_close(pWritePipe); Sleep(1000000); }
模块A wait .. DR_IPC_WRITE write123 2 succeed sParam:123 模块B connect pipe: connect pipe success ready to read msg from pipe read msg from pipe:123 diag Result:123 diag finish ready to read msg from pipe read pipe msg fail. error code:1