IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects o, sysusers u WHERE o.uid=u.uid AND o.name = 'Table_Name' AND u.name = 'dbo' AND o.type = 'U')
drop table Table_Name
IF (@@error != 0)
PRINT "Error CREATING table 'databasename.dbo.tablename'"
SELECT syb_quit()
create table Table_Name(
key_date int not null ,
cusip char(9) not null ,
description char(60) null ,
security_type char(2) null ,
security_literal char(4) null ,
group_code char(1) null ,
class_code char(3) null ,
tax_status char(1) null ,
coupon float(16) null ,
schedule char(2) null ,
payment_day int null ,
first_coupon_date int null ,
next_coupon_date int null ,
dated_date int null ,
maturity_date int null ,
market_price float(16) null ,
market_price_nuv float(16) null ,
hard_call_code char(1) null ,
hard_call_date int null ,
hard_call_price float(16) null ,
optional_call_code char(1) null ,
optional_call_date int null ,
optional_call_price float(16) null ,
prerefunded_date int null ,
prerefunded_price float(16) null ,
put_code char(1) null ,
put_date int null ,
put_price float(16) null ,
muni_pcall_date int null ,
factor float(16) null ,
insurance char(5) null ,
cusip_state char(2) null ,
wac float(16) null ,
psa_sign char(1) null ,
psa int null ,
cpr_sign char(1) null ,
cpr float(16) null ,
call_type_code char(2) null ,
call_type_1 char(1) null ,
call_type_2 char(1) null ,
subject_amt_code int null ,
tax_muni_code int null ,
current_call_code int null ,
crossover_code int null ,
nuveen_code int null ,
yankee_bond_code int null ,
sink_fund_code int null ,
float_lookup_code int null ,
oid_code int null ,
dummy_cusip_code int null ,
def_bond_code int null ,
def_bond_int_code int null ,
call_type_3 char(2) null ,
dollar_dividend float(16) null ,
moody_rating char(10) null ,
moody_rating_no float(16) null ,
moody_chg_code int null ,
sp_rating char(10) null ,
sp_rating_no float(16) null ,
sp_chg_code int null ,
fitch_rating char(10) null ,
fitch_rating_no float(16) null ,
fitch_chg_code int null ,
moody_underlying_rating char(10) null ,
moody_underlying_rating_no float(16) null ,
moody_underlying_chg_code int null ,
sp_underlying_rating char(10) null ,
sp_underlying_rating_no float(16) null ,
sp_underlying_chg_code int null ,
fitch_underlying_rating char(10) null ,
fitch_underlying_rating_no float(16) null ,
fitch_underlying_chg_code int null ,
foreign_indicator char(1) null ,
isin char(12) null ,
ex_dividend_date int null ,
dividend_date int null ,
currency_code char(2) null ,
country_code char(3) null ,
unit_cash_value float(16) null ,
purpose_type_code char(3) null ,
purpose_class_code char(4) null ,
purpose_sub_class_code char(4) null ,
insurance_secondary_primary char(60) null ,
insurance_secondary_secondary char(60) null ,
amt_ind char(1) null ,
d360_365_ind char(1) null ,
fx_tips_factor float(16) null